Do You Think I'm a Sow

Do you think I'm a sow?

Huo Li exchanged a glance with Lin Xiaoye. "You said King Rui sent you here?"

That person nodded and said, "General, don't worry. I have received the favor of saving my life from King Rui. I will not lie to him, and I will be even more loyal to King Rui."

Lin Xiaoye nodded and read the letter together with Huo Li.

The two of them were shocked, their hearts were like a pot of ants s. Huo Li immediately jumped up from the stool: "Prepare the horse, I want to go back to the capital immediately."

"Close the city gates!" With a loud shout, the initially pitch-black night within the Imperial City was illuminated as if it were daytime.

King Zhao, with a sword in his hand and dozens of courtier behind him, walked step by step towards Emperor's sleeping quarters.