Chief executive officer daddy

Chapter 264 - The President

Tang Jiu entered the room, played with TangTang for a while, then went to find Chen Sao. After that, he entered the kitchen with a 'gulp', and didn't come out for the entire morning.

Bai Qinghan and Chi Yichen went to the study room and chatted behind closed doors. It was unknown what they were talking about.

The big house that was bustling with noise and excitement all of a sudden, only Ye Anan and the old lady were left there to accompany TangTang on a childish home game.

Halfway through the afternoon, Chi Zhengfeng and his wife arrived.

Ye Anan brought TangTang out of the door to welcome them.

Seeing that the car had stopped, TangTang let go of Ye Anan's hand and jogged over, then called him grandpa respectfully from the back seat.

Chi Zhengfeng's face was full of smiles. He really liked his little granddaughter, and he also felt a bit of guilt. He had scared her the first time he saw her.