You can do anything you want

Chapter 452 - Whatever you want

Jing Lie nodded, "Yes, what do you want to do?"

Ye Anan said: "Can the center of gravity of the Lie Yang Group be shifted now? In the shortest time possible, they will slowly move towards Wen Guanghua. "

Jing Lie was startled, then nodded, "As long as you want, you can do whatever you want."

Ye Anan's smile carried an apology, "Thank you."

Before he even finished speaking, the door to the ward had already been opened by someone. Chi Yichen walked in majestically.

"Father …" TangTang put down the books that were neatly stacked together and pounced over.

Chi Yichen bent over and hugged TangTang into his arms, then headed towards the Sun Arena.

Jing Lie giggled while looking at TangTang and said, "TangTang, you can't be this biased, Jing Shushu will be jealous."