See old friends again

Chapter 465 - See Old Friends Again

TangTang's smile was exceptionally bright, with a hint of heartlessness.

She thought her mother was still worried that she would be scared when she went for a checkup, so she said, "Mum, when I was in the most pain, TangTang didn't feel sad nor cry. Now that TangTang is big, she'll only be stronger."

The child was too calm, causing Ye Anan to not know what to say.

She could only hold TangTang in her arms and whisper in a low voice, "Don't blame Mommy."

Her voice was too soft, TangTang didn't hear clearly.

TangTang was about to raise her head, wanting to ask her what she was talking about, but she released her hand. Feeling dejected, she walked out despondently …

On the day Ye Anan and Chi Yichen left the country, TangTang's eyelids jumped for an entire day.

She had a feeling that something was going to happen.