It was not in vain that he had sought her out

Chapter 16 - It wasn't in vain to find her

Mo Xiyan took the initiative to walk in front of her before Mo Jingyuan could react. She first greeted the ladies politely, then smiled at her and said, "Little sister, you're really naughty."

Then, she intimately touched Mo Jingyuan's forehead and laughed, "You said that you would wait for me, but you came first yourself, when we get back I will punish you to drink a few cups of wine, at that time, you can't refuse right?"

Her words caused Mo Jingyuan's expression to turn stiff and stiff. After responding for a long time, she barely managed to use a somewhat natural tone, "Big Sister is joking. Little Sister thought that you didn't come anymore like in the past, and so she didn't wait for you."

With that, she pulled Mo Xiyan's hand, and smiled at the other young misses, "Everyone, she is my big sister Mo Xiyan."

With just one sentence, everyone understood Mo Xiyan's identity.

They looked at each other. The person in front of them was wearing a pink jacket with a double bun on his head. She wore a simple yet exquisite silver hairpin. Along with her charming eyes, her beauty really made one unable to shift their gaze away.

If such a wonderful person wasn't hidden at home, perhaps no one would have noticed them.

Thinking up to this point, they couldn't help but once again feel puzzled in their hearts.

They looked at Mo Xiyan with complicated gazes, and all of them thought, it wasn't that the first daughter of the Prime Minister's Estate, had always been weak, and had never learned anything, so she would rather hide at home than see anyone?

Why was it that not only did he appear here today, he also looked quite intelligent, so why didn't he seem like an idiot?

In just a second, everyone reacted. Although they were not familiar with this young lady, it did not stop them from intimately greeting her.

"So it's Miss Mo. I've never seen you before and only knew that you were weak, but I didn't expect that after meeting you today, I would know that you're a wonderful person."

The first to speak was the three women of the Duke Palace, Yu Zhiqian. She wore an exquisite ponytail, and a faint smile hung on her beautiful face.

However, this expression was more or less deliberate, causing Mo Xiyan to not like it at all.

"Zhiqian is right, it really is a pity to only see the Miss Mo Daoist Master today." Subsequently, Yu Zhiqian agreed with Li Wen Ya from the General's Estate. She had always been Yu Zhiqian's follower, she would say whatever she wanted to say.

This situation was the same as the relationship between Mo Qingwei and Mo Jingyuan. It looked extremely intimate, making people jealous of their friendship, but what was behind it? Who knows?

It was as if on the surface, Mo Qingwei was obeying to her commands, but on the surface, she was trying to poach the corner of her opponent's mouth.

But even if he did not really like them, on the surface, Mo Xiyan still smiled at them, "Ladies, you praise me too much, I am not as good as you make me out to be."

After saying that, she pulled Mo Jingyuan's hand, and looked at her with an extremely doting gaze, "Little sister, you should be very familiar with the two young misses now, right? Why don't you introduce her to you? "

Mo Jingyuan's expression stiffened. Just as she was about to introduce herself, Yu Zhiqian snatched a step ahead of her and introduced herself.

"It's my fault for being inconsiderate. This is the first time Miss Mo is here, she naturally doesn't recognize us."

She held Li Wen Ya's hand and looked at Mo Xiyan with a smile. "I am the direct second daughter of the Northern Princess Residence, Yu Zhiqian. She is the direct descendant of the Eastern General Manor's third young miss, Li Wen Ya."

When she tried to open her mouth, Mo Jingyuan felt embarrassed. To her, this was undoubtedly a slap in the face.

However, Mo Jingyuan was not someone to be trifled with, even though she had been robbed, she quickly regained her composure and tried to make up for her past actions.

"Elder sister, the two of them are the most famous talented girls in the capital. Normally, they are not that easy to talk to. You can cherish this opportunity."

These words of hers had a double truth. Not only did it help her get back at them, it also helped them.

Yu Zhiqian was not angered at all, the smile on her face did not change at all, and while Mo Jingyuan was speaking, she nodded her head, and only after she had finished speaking did she smile and speak.

"What Miss Mo Er said is wrong, don't listen to her nonsense, if Wenya and I are really difficult to get along with, how can we become good friends?"

After she finished speaking, Mo Jingyuan replied back.

This constant exchange made Mo Xiyan, the spectator, want to laugh.

So the friendship between famous ladies was to start a conversation? She was truly enlightened.

Just as they were chatting happily, the entire backyard suddenly became quiet.

As members of the Poetic Society, Mo Jingyuan and the other two naturally stopped their conversation and walked towards their seats in the courtyard.

Mo Xiyan did not understand all of this, and these were not in the original owner's memories either. Thus, she merely followed behind the three of them and walked to the table and chair in the center of the courtyard.

At the same time, she turned her head to look at the people around her. She noticed that they were all dressed up beautifully, no matter how pretty they were.

This kind of extravagance and display, was a huge contrast against Yu Zhiqian and the other two with their low profile and elegance.

It was no wonder that the three of them would become the three great talents of the capital. Mo Xiyan immediately understood.

Just as she was complaining in her heart, the host of this poetry meet, the Imperial Protector Princess, walked in from the side yard with a bunch of servants.

She walked to the main seat in the center of the courtyard with an imposing manner and glanced at everyone present with a cold gaze. When she saw Mo Xiyan, she was slightly stunned for a moment and then immediately skipped over, as if she was used to's existence.

"I'm very happy to see you all. I've discovered that you ladies are even more elegant than before."

Her words were very official, and the smile on her face was very formal, but it was much more comfortable than Yu Zhiqian and the others.

Mo Xiyan felt that it was very strange. It was obviously her first time seeing this Imperial Protector Princess, but in her heart, she felt a feeling of wanting to get close to her.

She even saw the smile on her face, but felt like she was crying. Her heart was filled with depression.

With that, she waved her hand, and the huge screen in the middle of the yard was removed by the servants, revealing the table and chairs behind the screen that were filled with male guests.

The moment the men appeared, the various ladies shyly used kernels s to put on an act to cover their face as they laughed coquettishly.

It was indeed a disguised blind date, this scene was much more open than the modern era. Mo Xiyan imitated them using kernels s to hide their faces, but her gaze still swept across everyone present.

Her gaze met with a pair of sharp and deep eyes. The other seemed to be looking at her as well, and after noticing their gazes, the man actually smiled as he raised his wine cup and lightly shook it at her.

Is this man sick? He wanted to pick her up on the first day they met? Mo Xiyan did not like the feeling of being treated as a prey, and even she did not like the feeling of being brought about by a man.

Thinking of this, she glared at the man before turning her head to look at another direction.

After she angrily shifted her gaze away, the man suddenly smiled. This little girl was truly adorable. It seems like his attempt to find her wasn't in vain …