Mix with a man

Chapter 19 - Privacy with Men

"Princess, that jade pendant isn't anything special. I better not take it out to embarrass myself."

There was something wrong with Mo Jingyuan's heart, so she naturally did not want to take out the jade pendant.

She hastened to defend herself, but the princess did not give her the opportunity.

The Imperial Protector Princess did not give her a chance, nor did she let her explain. She said directly: "Don't be modest, Miss Mo Er's things, how bad can they be? Bring it out for everyone to see. "

Mo Jingyuan glared angrily at Mo Xiyan, and unwillingly took the jade out from her neck.

Not this one. Mo Xiyan could not help but frown. According to the original owner's memories, the jade that Mo Jingyuan took away was different from the one that she had now.

And according to Mo Jingyuan's angry expression, she did not look like she was putting on an act, so what exactly was the problem in the middle of it?

Or was the original owner too young to remember?

But logically, that shouldn't be the case … While Mo Xiyan was deep in thought, the jade was already in the hands of the princess.

She played with the jade pendant, then had the palace maids by her side return the jade pendant to Mo Jingyuan.

"This jade is indeed not good, but it is still good at carving, no wonder the Miss Mo Er calls it a girl's thing."

The princess affirmed this statement, and at the same time, her impression of the Mo sisters fell once again.

It was impossible for such a thing to be worth fighting between sisters. Furthermore, it even dared to come before her. It was simply too ridiculous.

"Yes, that's why I don't want to take it out and let everyone laugh."

After Mo Jingyuan received the jade pendant, she immediately hung up and retreated to the side, without saying anything more.

The princess shook her head, skipping the topic, "Look at me, this delay has wasted so much time."

She smiled at the crowd, apologizing, but her expression was still proud and aloof, "Alright, the Mo sisters can leave first. Now that I announced that the poem will continue, who should be next?"

Mo Xiyan and Mo Jingyuan thanked him and retreated to their seats.

Following that, a youth walked out from the male guest's room. He gracefully recited a few lines of his own poem, winning the applause of the crowd.

After he was done, one of the female guests stood up, and one by one, they slowly pushed the atmosphere of the poetry meet to its climax.

Mo Xiyan watched from the sidelines. She was not interested in these things that belonged to the ancient people, but the most important part was that she did not understand it at all, so she could not appreciate it.

After waiting for a long time for the princess to announce the end of the poetry meet, she told everyone to go to the side hall to eat. After a short rest, she would return here to have a tea ceremony.

There was around two hours of rest in between. Mo Xiyan was bored, so she casually walked around within the boundaries of the princess' residence.

She discovered that the backyard of the Princess Mansion was much more exquisite than the Prime Minister's Estate's.

Whether it was the artificial hill flowers or the lawn and lake, every scene had its own unique charm, causing people to stop in their tracks to admire it.

After walking for a while, she found a small pavilion that was suitable for taking a nap, so she walked over without thinking.

Just as he was about to sit down, he saw a man with a cold aura standing beside the pavilion with his back facing the light.

He wore a long black robe, and his stature was tall and imposing. His long black hair was tied to the top of his head with a jade hairpin.

"Sorry, I'm leaving now."

He was not a person that was easy to get along with. Mo Xiyan affirmed with her intuition.

Moreover, in this era, men and women were not supposed to be intimate with each other. She thought for a moment, then quickly left.

"Miss, please wait a moment."

She didn't expect the other party to stop her.

"Ah what?"

Mo Xiyan was startled, she turned and looked at the man, the man had already turned around, and only then did she realise that she was the man that she had met before.

For some reason, when she found out it was him, her expression relaxed as she smiled and said, "It's you!"

The man nodded. "It's me."

After saying that, the man paused for a moment, pointed at the table and chairs in the pavilion, and then said in a deep voice, "I will be presumptuous, may I invite the young lady to take a seat?"

The man's invitation caused Mo Xiyan to be a little surprised, but also made her set her gaze on the man's face, and started to size him up seriously.

The man in front of her had perfect facial features. His appearance was exquisite and handsome, yet he didn't reveal any femininity. Of course, the most eye-catching aspect was his narrow and long phoenix eyes, as well as the cold and clear desolation beneath them.

She had to admit that men were good-looking, more beautiful than any other man she had ever seen before.

The man allowed her to size him up, but he didn't get angry. If he looked closely, he might be able to see the smile that flashed past the man's eyes.

When Mo Xiyan had seen enough, the man coughed lightly and said, "Have you seen enough Miss?"

That was awkward. Mo Xiyan's expression froze, she grinned at the man: "Enough."

As she spoke, she walked into the pavilion and sat down by the railing. Lifting her eyes, she looked at the man once more. I always thought you looked familiar. "

The man sat down on the stone chair opposite her and nodded slightly. "Yes, I also want to say that I feel that the girl saved me."

A favor for saving his life? Mo Xiyan's movements froze, she squinted her eyes, looking straight into the man's eyes, "You're that masked guy?"

After she had been transported to this world, she had only been able to save one person, so she asked directly.

The man replied straightforwardly without hiding anything. "Yes, Miss has good eyesight."

He paused for a moment and then said, "I am Murong Yu. I stopped you just to thank you."

With that, he took out a money pouch from his bosom and handed it over to Mo Xiyan.

"What do you mean?" Although she was short of money, she wouldn't accept all of it.

"No, just to thank you." Murong Yu explained.

Mo Xiyan shook his head, "Saving you is not about money. Furthermore, with your broken body, do you think that this amount of money is enough to buy your life?"

Murong Yu's eyes darkened, and after looking at Mo Xiyan steadily for a while, he kept the money pouch.

"I'm sorry, I was inconsiderate."

As he spoke, he took off a piece of jade from his body and handed it over to her, "This jade is my keepsake. If Miss needs any help, you can find me at the Residence of General of the Eastern Town."

She had no reason to reject the jade pendant. Moreover, there were many ways to be friends, Mo Xiyan would never reject a friend.

Therefore, this time she accepted it without thinking. It was just that the other party's name caused her to be slightly shocked.

"Are you the kingdom's general?"

"Yes." When the man saw her accept it, his expression finally relaxed a little. "It's getting late, won't you return, Miss?"

It was only then that Mo Xiyan noticed that the sun had already set to the west, passing the afternoon.

Just as she was preparing to leave, Mo Jingyuan and Yu Zhiqian walked in.

When they saw that she was with Murong Yu, their eyes widened and they shouted in disbelief, "Heavens, Mo Xiyan is actually with a man in the garden!"

With just one sentence, it had attracted the attention of Imperial Protector Princess and the rest, placing them in danger once again …