Conceit with consequences

Chapter 21 - Self-esteem

"Nephew, do you know what you're saying?"

Imperial Protector Princess did not wish for the royal family to have anything to do with Mo Xiyan.

It was because she felt that whoever was involved with her had no good intentions at all.

Thus, when Murong Yu finished saying those words, her expression instantly darkened, "Although you are a beautiful lady, and a noble is easy to catch, but you still have to meet the right person."

"Aunt, you mean the Miss Mo is not a suitable person?" Murong Yu didn't like others looking down on him.

He had taken a liking to this woman, so others had no right to criticize her.

As for the marriage between her and the crown prince, Murong Yu felt that it was only royal father's own will, and the Mo family women's own doing.

Based on the facts that he knew, Mo Xiyan was someone who had to submit. How could he possibly have the power to resist?

However … This woman seemed different from the rumors, and more interesting.

His eyes playfully glanced at Mo Xiyan, only to see her standing there, just like a spectator, calm and collected enough to cause people to be shocked.

"Do you really think that a person with such a beautiful character is good?"

Imperial Protector Princess was simply about to be angered to death by him.

Murong Yu did not know what was good for him. Although she supported the crown prince, no matter what, he was still his nephew.

Her words caused Mo Xiyan to furrow her brows. Just as she was about to retort, Murong Yu coldly opened his mouth.

"She is indeed a good person."

A single sentence caused an uproar.

Could it be that the Spirit King was really interested in Mo Xiyan?

Everyone's eyes swept across the two of them once again. That desire to grab onto Mo Xiyan and ask her clearly made her scalp go numb.

Murong Yu that damned bastard, what kind of nonsense was he saying? He thought that the other party was here to help him out, but the more he described the matter, the more it seemed like he didn't want to say anything at all!

Mo Xiyan glared at Murong Yu and complained in his heart.

Mo Jingyuan was overjoyed.

After all, who in the capital didn't know that although this Ghost King was a victorious general, it was said that before his face was injured, he was a famous handsome man.

It was a pity that his face had been ruined during the war a few years ago. At the same time, there were rumors that he had lost a total of three wives, causing the ladies of the capital to give up on the idea of marrying him.

It was really great to be the nemesis of his wife. Once Mo Xiyan married, the crown prince would definitely be hers, at that time she would have limitless glory, and she would only be able to bury her body in the ground.

Yu Zhiqian thought the same as Mo Jingyuan. Although she had heard that Mo Xiyan was not willing to marry herself, and did not want to marry the crown prince, these were only her one-sided thoughts, and not the crown prince's thoughts.

As long as the Crown Prince kept thinking, the other women would have no chance. Only if she was gone could she become the Crown Prince's consort.

Thinking about that, she suddenly looked at Mo Jingyuan and laughed.

The Imperial Protector Princess was furious. "Nephew, I advise you to keep your eyes faraway and not fall on some worthless people."

"As long as aunt takes care of the crown prince's matters, as for this king's? "You should save some snacks."

Murong Yu looked at the Imperial Protector Princess, and said in a heavy voice, "As for royal father, this king will make it clear.

With just a single sentence, he was able to subdue the crowd, causing them to stop in their tracks.

Mo Xiyan praised him as she looked at him. She gave him a Like in her heart, very good, very loyal, it was not in vain that she saved him.

With his words, this matter of hers would come to a perfect end.

This was because she believed that no one present was willing to take the risk of being watched by the Spirit King in order to spread her rumors.

If she had known earlier that a Ghost King was so useful, she would have used it long ago. Why waste her words? It was simply too much of a waste.

"Good, very good. Your wings have become hard, and you actually do not place me in your eyes anymore."

Imperial Protector Princess was truly furious.

Never would she have thought that not only would Murong Yu contradict her, he would actually threaten her for a woman?

Ever since she founded her own residence, no one had ever dared to give her face!

Even the current emperor wouldn't dare! After all, the throne under his butt was obtained at the cost of her life.

She didn't believe that even the Emperor wouldn't dare to do anything to her. What did a small general like him dare to do?

As for Mo Xiyan? She gave her a meaningful look and could not help but snort in her heart. She did not know what method this woman used to be able to confuse the Ghost King to this extent.

It has to be said that Murong Yu had never been near women …

"I don't dare. Aunt is Auntie after all."

Murong Yu calmly took a step forward, blocking the Imperial Protector Princess's line of sight, and said with a slightly sunken voice, "It's getting late, so Aunt should have moved."

"You!" Imperial Protector Princess was furious, she stared at Murong Yu fiercely, then shouted out, "Inform them, that the tasting of the tea will begin!"

With these words, Imperial Protector Princess turned and quickly left.

"Yes, Princess." The palace maids behind her were all ready. After bowing to her, they were ordered to inform the others.

Suddenly, the space that was filled with people a moment ago became empty and empty, leaving only Mo Xiyan and the other three people.

"Miss Mo, since you are still competing with Second Sister Mo, shouldn't you also have changed your course of action?"

Yu Zhiqian always knew the direction of the wind, and since Mo Xiyan had already been targeted by the Spirit King, it was impossible for her and the crown prince to be together.

After all, no one in the Grand Xia knew about it. The Emperor had always favored the Ghost King and even more so the Crown Prince.

Mo Xiyan nodded her head, she could see that the other party was thinking of allying with her, but for someone like Yu Zhiqian, she did not dare come into contact with him.

If he was bitten by her, then he would be fine just by a little pain. He might even lose his life if he were to do that.

Thinking of this, she kept her distance as she looked at Ye Ci. She merely gave a polite nod, "Of course. Let's go together."

Mo Jingyuan could also see the change in Yu Zhiqian's attitude, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

She didn't really understand, why was Yu Zhiqian acting like this? After all, in her opinion, if she wanted to be friends with the Prime Minister's Estate, wouldn't it be better to be friends with her? Because she was the Prime Minister's most beloved woman.

Could it be that Mo Xiyan had secretly drugged her when she wasn't paying attention?

It should be. Otherwise, why would it be fine before, and why did it change today?

The more he thought about it, the more Mo Jingyuan stepped forward and held onto Yu Zhiqian's hand, and said with a smile. "Second Sister Yu, let's go.

Being stopped by her, Yu Zhiqian frowned slightly. Even though she felt uncomfortable in her heart, her smile still remained on her face.

She then looked at Mo Xiyan, "Miss Mo, let's go."

Mo Xiyan had no reason to reject them, but nodded and followed in their footsteps.

After they left, a black figure flashed and knelt beside Murong Yu, "Master, things have changed. Please leave quickly."