A special woman

Chapter 28 - Special Women

"Hong, Hong Qin …" The Prime Minister stared at Madame Prime Minister in shock for a long time. His mouth was open, but before he could say anything, he covered his mouth and nearly vomited.

When the Madame Prime Minister saw the Prime Minister like this, he suddenly laughed maniacally, "Hahaha, my lord, do you really not care?"

The Prime Minister's expression immediately became even worse as he turned his head to look at her. Just as he was about to retort, he turned his head to the side and once again spat out a mouthful of blood.

Madame Prime Minister stood there and just threw the gauze in his hands onto the ground, then he walked over to the prime minister and placed his injured face in front of him.

"Speak, you don't care about my face, speak!"

She roared at the Prime Minister.

"Scram!" The Prime Minister pushed her away and roared.

Madame Prime Minister was pushed like this, and with a loud thump, she fell to the ground. She did not cry nor make a fuss, and only sat there laughing loudly.

The atmosphere between the two became even more awkward. Mo Jingyuan naturally did not wish for his mother to lose her father's care and love.

Thus, she ran to Madame Prime Minister's side and pulled her back, "Mother, Father just couldn't get used to it for a while, the love she has given you over the years isn't fake."

Her voice was soft and persuasive.

Madame Prime Minister stopped laughing and slowly turned his head to look at Mo Jingyuan, "Yuanyuan, you …"

"Ah, ghosts!"

Only, before she finished speaking, Mo Jingyuan had already screamed and fiercely retreated a few steps.

Just as she was about to explain, she saw Madame Prime Minister's face again, "Mother, Mother, you … you better explain it properly to Father. I, I think Father will understand."

After she quickly said these words to Madame Prime Minister, she ran out with her fastest speed.

Seeing that his own daughter actually despised him like this, Madame Prime Minister's face once again darkened.

She turned her head to look at the Prime Minister again. "My daughter hates me. What about you?"

The Prime Minister vomited until his face turned white. He looked at her with uncertainty for a while before speaking, "Rest well, I've already gone to find the Godly Doctor. I believe your face will be saved."

With that, he turned around and led the butler towards the courtyard door.

"Hubby!" Just then, the Madame Prime Minister shouted loudly.

The Prime Minister stopped in his tracks, but didn't turn around. "Rest well and don't let your thoughts run wild."

With that, he did not stop and quickly left.

"Hubby, hubby …" Madame Prime Minister called out to him a few more times. After seeing that he still did not stop and left in large strides, she once again burst out into crazy laughter, "Hahaha, the promised love is only this much. Hahaha …"

She abruptly turned her face to the servants beside her. When they saw her face, they all turned their heads and vomited involuntarily.

Their reactions deeply provoked Madame Prime Minister. She pointed at them and screamed, "You dare to puke? All of you deserve to die! "

She then shouted towards the gate, "Men, men, quick, kill all these servants for me!"

The guards immediately rushed into the courtyard and tied up all the servants present. Then, following Madame Prime Minister's wishes, they dragged all the servants out of the small courtyard.

When Mo Xiyan read up to this point, she decided to let Qingqing return.

The main film had finished acting, and the next thing he thought about was that the Madame Prime Minister had gone mad on his own.

She got up and tidied up her clothes, then looked in the direction the Prime Minister had left, "Now doesn't seem to be the time to chat with him."

After all, he was the only one who had been provoked. Talking to him about leaving at this time was probably the same as slashing at the muzzle of a gun.

It's still early, why don't we go out for a walk? Mo Xiyan's eyes shone, following the previous route, she quietly left the Prime Minister's Estate.

It was currently evening and there were quite a few people on the streets. With her previous experience, she was no longer as excited as she was before.

Even so, when she saw the food stalls, she couldn't help but open her fingers wide.

There was no helping it, she had not eaten at night. Furthermore, she was a foodie, so how could she resist the temptation of food?

She stood in the middle of the street and took a deep breath, as if she wanted to suck in all the food's aroma into her lungs.

"Selling pancakes, fresh pancakes, crispy and fragrant pancakes!"

"Meat buns? There's so many of them in the filling. Hurry up and buy them!"

"Sugar gourd. Selling candied fruits. One gold coin for one. Sweet and sour candied fruits."

The noise made by the peddlers along the street, in addition to the fragrance of the food, made Mo Xiyan unable to resist gulping down her saliva.

She touched her belly and bought the goods from the first booth without any hesitation.

A few minutes later, she ate the pancake buns in big bites with the candied fruits in her mouth and her hands holding onto them.

When the crowd saw her expression, they all looked at her with ridiculing eyes. They all thought to themselves, just where did this bumpkin come from? He really has never seen the world before.

Two young masters were also looking at her from the teahouse nearby.

The blue clothed youth pointed at Mo Xiyan and said with a chuckle, "Look at that lady. I wonder which county she came from, to the point where we don't even know what kind of thing modesty is."

Seated across him, a youth in white clothes heard what Mo Xiyan said and raised his head. When he saw Mo Xiyan, he frowned slightly.

"Why does Young Master know me?" When the blue-clothed youth heard this, he immediately withdrew his gaze and looked at Bai Yi.

"She is the young lady that we met when we were chasing Murong Yu in the forest." The white clothed youth pointed at Mo Xiyan, her voice gentle.

"The girl you were talking about?" Lan Yi was extremely shocked as she turned her head to look at Mo Xiyan again, her eyes looking at him, "I say, Master Fifth, is this worth your admiration?"

The white-clothed youth was the Fifth Master that Lan Yi had mentioned. If Mo Xiyan saw him, she might have recognized him as the Murong Jin he met in the forest earlier.

He did not pay any attention to the blue-clothed youth's words, and only looked at Mo Xiyan with a slightly gloomy gaze, as he said in a deep voice, "She is very special."

The blue clothed youth opened his eyes wide and pointed at Mo Xiyan with an exaggerated expression. And special? Are your eyes okay? "

Murong Jin shook his head lightly, "No, you won't understand her uniqueness."

How could a girl who had won the attention of the two princes and could shine in the Imperial Protector Princess Palace be a shallow level character?

Looks like he should pay more attention to this woman. This way, he might be able to find Murong Yu's weakness.

"I said no. My lord, are you sick?" The blue clothed youth could not understand Murong Jin at all. He looked at him as if he was looking at a monster, "I think it is because you have not touched a woman for too long that you have an illusion."

As he spoke, he slapped his chest and said proudly, "How about this? I'll do the work tonight. How about I go to the Drunken Fragrance Inn and get drunk?"

The Drunken Fragrance Inn was the largest brothel in the capital, and its courtesans filled the entire country. It was a rare sight to behold.

But Murong Jin was not interested, he casually waved his hand, picked up his wine cup and drank a mouthful, then said unhurriedly: "Yan An, do I look like someone who needs a woman?"

He was Wang Qianrou's older brother, and he was also an exceptional person. Although he was still young, he was already the field officer in charge of the military operations at the city gates, and could be said to be very young.

This was also the reason why Murong Jin befriended him, it was for the military power in his hands. Of course, this was something that field officer Wang did not know, he only considered him to be a good friend.

"That's true. How could someone like you lack women? Then why are you still staring at her?" Wang Ruoan was confused.

"Because she is very special, especially to the point where this duke has noticed her."