Do you want to learn medicine

Chapter 53 - Do you want to learn medicine

When Mo Xiyan just arrived, she was not familiar with the people in the village.

She merely followed beside Sang Nu, smiling and nodding her head when she greeted them.

However, this did not mean that she did not see the complex look in their eyes.

This kind of gaze, which carried contempt and excitement, made Mo Xiyan feel suspicious.

She didn't understand what they were thinking about that made them look like that.

Of course, if one were to think with their knees, she could guess that what these people were thinking would definitely not be good.

At the moment, she wasn't going to care about them.

Because he hadn't really offended her yet.

However, if they dared to bully her in the future, she would definitely let them have a hard time.

Mo Xiyan and the Sang Nu soon reached the main house.

The gate to their house was not locked, only ajar.