Three hours and five taels of silver in the evening

Chapter 77 - Six hours and five taels of silver at night

Mo Xiyan and Zhang Ye quickly returned to the west yard.

Yang Tianrui was already asleep on the table.

She held his hand and channeled some wood gas into his body so that he could have a deeper sleep.

Only then did Zhang Ye carry him to the bed.

The reason she did this was because she felt that since this child was able to sleep, then she must be tired. Since there wasn't much to do, she might as well have a good sleep first.

She thought that the injuries on his body weren't serious and that it was just an ordinary fall injury.

However, what she did not expect was that the injuries on his body were even worse than what she had imagined.

She only undid the collar of Yang Tianrui's clothes slightly to see that it was completely black.

When her gaze came in contact with the black patch, her heart jolted.