Let her be my pleasure

Let her be my pleasure


Following a loud crash, Mo Qiu's wife fell to the ground and crashed into a large crock at the entrance of the courtyard.

The vat was filled with clear water. With this break, all of her clothes were soaked.

If it wasn't for the cold weather, she would have worn a thick set of clothes.

Otherwise, according to the fabric worn by the people of this era and the style of the undergarment, she would have to leave.

She shook her slightly dizzy head, and forced herself to sit up, and looked at Mo Xiyan in disbelief.

"You, you actually dare to attack?"

Ever since she had submitted to her man, no one had dared to hit her.

Even the old thing had always been beaten up in front of her.

But this Mo Xiyan who had been chosen by Mo Qiu and looked extremely weak, not only did he dare to hit her, he even made her look so miserable.