The County Magistrate will Certainly Help Me

Chapter 202 - The County Magistrate's Order Can Help Me on New Year's Day

"County lord, you should be able to resolve this case properly."

The magistrate read for a long time, but the answer he got from Murong Yu was enough to make him want to die.

As expected, the prince was standing right in front of them, yet he didn't care about the prime minister at all?

He could ignore it, but he could not.

Seeing that the magistrate was still hesitating, Mo Xiyan couldn't help but ask again, "County lord, do you still want to refuse?"

"Xiao Yan, Young Master Shang, don't say too much. County lord knows what to do. After all, he is an adult."

It wasn't clear if Li Zheng was trying to reconcile or if he was continuing to pressure the county magistrate.

In short, after he finished speaking, the county magistrate's expression became even more unsightly.