Banquet termination

Chapter 404 - Termination of the Banquet

"Alright, since Miss Mo is not good at acting, then which family would be willing to go up on stage and perform like this?"

Madame Wu Hou looked down at the other girls who were seated down, her eyes filled with gentleness, but her gaze immediately jumped off Mo Xiyan.

Seeing her actions, the various ladies knew what was going on. They were all looking at Mo Xiyan with eyes of pity or ridicule, as if she had offended some big shot.

Mo Xiyan openly met their gaze, gave a light smile, and leisurely sat down. She truly had the bearing of a consort.

However, so what if he was imposing? Wasn't he still just an idiot? Most of the ladies here would think the same, only the Madam General and her felt that this man was unfathomable.