It's just a poor family

Chapter 451 - Just a Broken Home

"Miss, that Zhang family member is really repulsive, he actually brought people to his door, and directly forced Sang Nu to hand over the tea recipe, which the Sang Nu did not give, they actually sullied Sang Nu's reputation with their own hearts, if not for him showing his face, she would have been taken away by them."

When Zhang Ye said till here, he was obviously agitated, showing just how angry he was.

Mo Xiyan was also angry, she lowered her head and thought, then asked: "What is the surname of the family?"

Zhang Ye said without thinking, "His surname is Zhang, and he is also said to be a well-known person in the capital."

After he finished speaking, he immediately added, "Miss must not be impulsive. According to Sang Nu, although the Zhang Family has fallen, there is still an Empress within the palace. They can be considered to be royalty."

Having the word 'royal' meant that he had more face than others.