I don't get it

Chapter 471 - Bewildered

Mo Xiyao ignored his brother's warning, and directly yelled out his name.

After roaring, Lu Zhan's movements stopped, he stared at her with half closed eyes for a while, then suddenly leaned in front of her with a grin, "Miss Mo Liu, you're really smart, but it's a pity that the smarter a woman is, the faster she dies here."

Mo Xiyao opened her eyes wide, she could not believe what she saw.

She really thought that after she brought out her brother, he wouldn't let her go and wouldn't act against her again.

However, this man actually took the opportunity to get close to her and threw the medicine in his hand into her mouth.

As he said, the pill was not difficult to take and was even somewhat sweet.

However, when the pill dissolved in his mouth, the weakness of his four limbs showed that there was indeed something wrong with the pill.