
Chapter 475 - Surprise

Lieutenant General Division

Mo Xiyan heard Mo Xiyao's voice once again.

This time, he was closer to her. It seemed to be coming from beneath his feet?

She stepped on the grass doubtfully, but there was no feeling of emptiness beneath her feet.

"Miss Mo, it's time to eat."

Cui Er appeared at the right time, holding a dish that was still steaming hot in her hands.

Mo Xiyan looked at her and nodded, then indicated for her to place the food inside the pavilion.

Cui Er quickly brought the food over and quickly arranged it neatly before bowing to the side.

Mo Xiyan sat on the stone bench and looked at the dishes placed on the table.

It was not because the food was bad, but rather because Mo Xiyan had requested for them to cook yesterday, and thus naturally matched her taste.