
Chapter 484 - Terrifying

Mo Xiyan never thought that she would enter the eyes of the Princess Lie.

She looked at the beautiful young woman who was affectionately and affectionately with her, and her heart gradually warmed.

The empress watched from the side and nodded her head in satisfaction, thinking that this was fate for the two of them.

Thus, he did not disturb their conversation, and only asked the remnants of the milkmaid to send some tea, so that Mo Xiyan and the Princess Lie could eat and chat, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Under the situation where Mo Xiyan was forced to accept it, the main hall of the Fengyang Hall was miraculously filled with warmth and warmth. Compared to the current situation in the palace, where there were undercurrents and dangers lurking in all directions, it was an obvious contrast.

"Reporting to the empress, King Ping requests an audience."