A deity demons?

Chapter 627 - Immortals? Demons?

Perhaps he understood the doubt in Steward Zeng's eyes, the blue clothed old doctor snorted coldly, "I only wanted to drag the dead out so that it could be easier. I never would have thought that you people would truly not know what's good for you, and would want us to kill you immediately so that you would be happy."

"Big Bro, why are you wasting your breath on them? Let's go straight at them. Just now, I was completely humiliated by them. Now, I must get back at them."

"Exactly, let these cowards see just how overconfident they are."

These people immediately ripped off their disguises, and turned their heads, wanting to attack Mo Xiyan.

However, just as they rushed forward, several figures jumped in front of them. Before they could react, they brandished their daggers and chopped towards their vital points.

These people were Mo Xiyan's female secret guards.