
Chapter 629 - Interrogation

Mo Xiyan's reaction was extremely fast, before the guard could even get close to him, he swung his vine.

She had used 100% of her strength, and because the ivy was originally intelligent, when she threw the guard back, it turned around and bit into the neck of the guard.

Because the blood was too tasty, the vine was actually like a vampire, constantly drinking. In the blink of an eye, the color of the vine turned from green to red, and the guard visibly grew thinner.

"Come back." It was impossible for Mo Xiyan to let the vine suck a person to death in front of so many people, so when she saw that the situation wasn't right, she immediately pulled the vine back.

The green vine had not had its fill of drinking, but it did not dare disobey Mo Xiyan's orders, so it could only shrink back in grievance.