Two apiece

Chapter 768 - Exemplary

The Liao City was victorious!

When the war report arrived, the entire country cheered!

As the emperor, Murong Leng immediately wrote the imperial edict to reward the three armies, as well as the announcement to the entire nation.

His reaction speed was very fast, the citizens' morale instantly rose, and the centripetal force towards the New Emperor also rose.

His heart finally slightly eased up.

He only asked the question in his heart, but the pressure remained.

At this moment, the guard's voice came from outside the hall.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Seventh Prince wishes to seek an audience."

Upon hearing this, Murong Leng was startled, "Why have they come to see us?"

When he realized that they were going to get married in private, he gave them the title as a disguised acknowledgement of their marriage.

Logically speaking, they should have come to express their gratitude.