Princess lie's birthday feast

Chapter 799 - Princess Lie's Birthday Feast

However, Rushing Thunder did not care about all these. His order was to take Murong Shen down, not to reminisce with him.

"Your highness is preparing for Princess Consort's fortieth birthday. The reason I've asked this lowly general to come and receive Ninth Prince this time is also to invite you to participate in the birthday banquet."

Of course, Rushing Thunder wasn't a fool. He knew that the easiest way to capture a thief was to invite him into the trap.

So he still saluted Murong Shen, relaxed his eyebrows, and said softly while trying his best to relax, "Ninth Prince can't delay this any longer. Otherwise, if we miss the hour when we return, we will definitely be lashed ten times by the King Lie."

His words were quite humorous, but he was also reminding Murong Shen that his clan's Duke Lie Army was known for being strict.

Murong Shen was aware of this.