Killing liar three

Chapter 869 - Killing a Liar 3

Mo Qidao looked at the crowd with a pained expression, and said with a sorrowful voice, "This humble one has always only followed the heart of others, and will never make things difficult for you all. If someone were to say one or two things, this humble one will admit to it, or else, how can this humble one accept it?"

His words undoubtedly made some people feel ashamed once again.

It also caused everyone to retreat a few steps.

Some of them even directly knelt down and kowtowed to Mo Qidao a few times.

"Master Mo, I have misunderstood you. Please forgive me."

"We were wrong. We shouldn't have doubted you."

"Lightning might have been a misunderstanding, so we misunderstood you. I'm sorry."

These sounds and their influence also gradually expanded.

More and more people kneeled down to apologize. More and more, louder and louder.