Final seven princess lie is dying

Chapter 973 - 7 of the Final Chapter (Princess Lie near death)

"Seventh Brother, this Chendi wishes for you to succeed the throne."

Murong Shen immediately knelt down.

If Murong Yu did not stop him, he would have already bowed deeply.

"I've said it before, it will not exceed the position of Emperor."

"In fact, you should be able to see that I am not someone who is qualified to be the emperor. As for who is in charge of this world, you can discuss it with Fourth Brother."

"Seventh Brother, have you ever thought that Xia Zhilan started from the day you were unwilling to become emperor?"

Murong Shen shook his head, his expression serious, "It's not easy for Liangguo to be willing to stop, do you still want to continue watching Grand Xia split into two?"

In fact, he really didn't care about the China at all.