Mountain Entering

"Cough, cough." A bowl of rice was stuck in his throat, and the birthmark on his red face was about the color of his birthmark.

"Eat slowly, no one is going to steal from you."

Qing'er placed a piece of meat from her own bowl into Bai Xiao's bowl, "Mine is enough for you."

"No need, Qing'er is currently growing, so she should eat more." Then, she handed the meat in the bowl to Qing'er.

Yang Wenyi saw that this newly wedded daughter-in-law was modest and courteous, and had a completely different appearance when compared to when she was in the village.

Now, in the winter, there was less work in the fields.

Mrs. Yang and Madame Yang were holding a basket and making cotton for a family. Qing'er also held a needle and thread as she learnt from the side.

Yang Chonghuan and Yang Wenyi made a basket and planned to sell it in the market when they reached the market. Yang Dingchu rubbed his bow.

Looking at the busy people around her, she seemed to be the most relaxed. Looking at her Yunshen Mountain, she wanted to go up the mountain.

Mrs. Yang said: "Xiao, do you have a female student in the county?"

"I did learn it, but it was the original owner, not her." I've learned a little, but I've pretty much forgotten about it over the past two years when I was at the Bai Family. "

This excuse was perfect.

"I originally wanted to make a pair of embroidered shoes for you, your eldest sister-in-law and Qing'er. My eyes aren't very good, so I couldn't see clearly.

Bai Xiao laughed awkwardly, she then turned to look at Yang Dingchu, only to see him taking his bow and arrows and walking out.

"Yang Dingchu, where are you going?" It was only after shouting that he realized he couldn't use a man's full name in this era.

He looked at Mrs. Yang and the others, and only walked towards Yang Dingchu when he saw that there was nothing abnormal with them.

"I'll go up the mountain and hunt some prey. I'll take the market to sell the day after tomorrow."

"I'll go with you."

Hearing that Bai Xiao wanted to follow him, Mrs. Yang anxiously said: "Xiao, there are many wild beasts on the mountain, so you don't need to go. What if you get injured?"

Bai Xiao looked at Yang Dingchu anxiously. Her gaze made Yang Dingchu's heart soften, "It's okay mother, I will look after her."

"Mother will follow closely behind Brother Chu."

Mrs. Yang was still worried. Not a single woman in the village dared to go to the Yunshen Mountain, even a man would not dare to go.

But seeing the brilliant smile on Bai Xiao's face, she couldn't bear to refuse.

"Ol 'Three, you have to take good care of Xiao, okay?"

"I understand, Mother." Rest assured, I will definitely bring your daughter-in-law back safe and sound. "

Yang Dingchu took his bow and arrows, and Bai Xiao carried a small basket on his back, as the two of them went out.

The Yunshen Mountain stretched for a hundred thousand kilometers, stretching to who knows where.

Because there were so many wild beasts in the mountain, there were many wild beasts that came out to hunt and hurt people in the past few years.

The villagers were scared of the disaster, so they didn't dare to go up the mountain.

In the entire village, only Yang Dingchu dared to go up the mountain.

Along the way, Bai Xiao was running happily like a sparrow.

Yang Dingchu carried his bamboo basket and followed behind her with a face full of love.

Bai Xiao picked the medicine that was used to treat Yang Dingchu's injuries and placed it in the basket on his back.

In her previous life, she studied traditional and western medicine as a clinical medicine, and she had a crazy infatuation towards traditional Chinese medicine. Walking on the road and seeing a grass, she would study it for a long time to find out its medicinal properties, habits, medicinal effects, which medicines had no side effects, and which medicines had no side effects.

Ancient vegetation was very abundant, and many of them were modern herbs that had disappeared.

And on the cloud was a huge treasure trove of plants and herbs. There were all kinds of herbs inside, and they were all very old and had very high medicinal effects.

Yang Dingchu brought Bai Xiao to move around the periphery of Yun Che's body. After all, he was injured so even if she met a large ferocious beast, he might not be able to subdue them.

Just at this place, Bai Xiao seemed to have found a treasure as she excitedly searched through the grass.

"You're digging for herbs?"

"Yeah." Bai Xiao held up a tree that she had just dug up and shook it.

"This is the former Hu. The former Hu was harvested in February and August. I didn't expect it to be available at this time."

"Didn't you notice that the temperature of the Yunshen Mountain is warmer than the outside?"

It was only then that Bai Xiao noticed that the surrounding trees were slightly yellow, unlike the trees in the village, where the leaves had already withered.

"What's the use of this before?" This lass, when did she learn medicine?

"The former Hutchison typhoid fever, pushing the old to new, and smart, light body, clear lung heat, phlegm heat, dispersing wind evil. When I ate in the morning, I noticed that Qing'er seemed to have a cold.

"When did you learn medicine? Why haven't I seen you use it before? "

"When I was in the county, I had read some medical books. If the people from Bai Family knew that I was going to pick herbs, would they marry me to you?"

Yang Dingchu laughed, "If the people from the Bai Family knew that you were capable of gathering herbs, they would have been angered to death."

"Will it?" At most, he would be angry.

"Do you know how much the herbs are worth now?"

Bai Xiao shook her head. In the modern world, normal herbs were not worth much money.

"Not many people understand medicine, and those who pick herbs are few in number. Therefore, the supply of herbs in the pharmacy is always short of demand, and the medicinal effects aren't very good."

"And this Yunshen Mountain is the most mysterious mountain. The plants and animals in the mountain are much better than the ones outside. "If you sell this basket at the market, it will at least be worth five or six silver taels."

Bai Xiao looked at her basket, not very big, but not small either, "It's only five or six silver coins."

Yang Dingchu flicked her forehead and said: "You little money grubber, do you know how much five or six silver is inside? It's enough to cover two years of ordinary farmers' daily expenses. "

"So many?"

After she recovered from her shock, Bai Xiao realized that most of the food she ate in the countryside came from her own field. She would only buy meat to eat during festivals, and two to three taels of silver a year would be enough.

However, it seems like he was the one their family made the most money.

"What am I doing? Even if you go hunting in the mountains, you should have a lot of money, right?"

"It's not like I can catch prey every time. Usually, I only hunt some small animals. I won't hunt wild boars or other large animals unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Hubby knows how to hunt. I can pick herbs. I believe our days will get better. "

There was yearning in Bai Xiao's eyes. Although she did not have any requirements for materials, but she had a way to make him feel comfortable, so why did she have to make things difficult for him?

In her previous life, in order to prove that she could do it, she studied diligently. In her childhood, she didn't have any friends, only books.

Her teenagers had no friends, only books.

When she was in college, she was accompanied by books, and was taught to earn money to attend school.

But in this life, she must live a lively and lively life, making up for all the things she had experienced in her previous life.

After lamenting about her own life, Bai Xiao began to dig for medicinal herbs.

Yang Dingchu accompanied them at the side. Some of them saw wild chickens and wild rabbits, so they were knocked down with rocks.