
Bai Xiao glanced at him, "I know what I am like now, there is no need to comfort me, I will become beautiful sooner or later anyway."

Feeling that it was about time, Bai Xiao washed off the medicinal paste on her face, and the originally dark red birthmark became even darker.

Yang Dingchu worriedly asked: "Will it be ineffective? "The color has deepened."

"This is normal. The medicinal effect activated the poison in the birthmark. It will be fine if you apply it a few more times. Take off your clothes, and let me see your wound. "

Yang Dingchu obediently took off his clothes, revealing his strong body.

Seeing him reveal himself in front of her without a care, Bai Xiao felt a little shy.

Carefully unwrapping the gauze, we picked away the ointment, "The wound has basically healed, let me apply it on you again. This time, it might be a bit itchy. Don't pick at it.

"He can even endure pain, but can't he endure that bit of itch?"

"Your skin."

After carefully treating the wound, he applied the medicine and bandaged it well, "Alright, it will be ready tomorrow."

Yang Dingchu put on his clothes, took out a blanket and laid on the ground, ready to sleep.

After Bai Xiao scattered her hair, she was at a loss for a moment, "The sky is cold, why don't you go sleep on the bed?"

"Are you sure?" When Yang Dingchu heard this, his gaze turned deep.

"But you can't touch me without my permission."

"Alright." Yang Dingchu laughed. Who knew that he had fallen asleep?

Bai Xiao saw his snicker and her heart skipped a beat. She crawled back into the bed with her head turned back.

Even if he were to roll his way to the deepest part, the distance between the two of them was only two fists wide. With just a slight movement, he would be able to touch his opponent.

This ancient bed is too narrow, Bai Xiao lamented.

As he listened to the other party's breathing and smelled the faint, unspeakable fragrance that belonged to his body, Bai Xiao's heartbeat sped up.


What did she expect?

This body was only sixteen years old, but he was only seventeen after the new year. He had just matured, what was there to look forward to?

Sigh, I don't blame myself. In my previous life, I had never been in a relationship, so I was fortunate enough to get married in this life.

For a grown woman to have her man by her side, it was understandable that she would feel some anticipation. It was just that the original owner's body was too small.

As she turned her head to look at Yang Dingchu, whose eyes were still closed, and wondered if he could wait until she turned eighteen?

What if he couldn't wait?

Men of ancient times would always have three wives and four concubines. If he didn't consummate his marriage with her, would he go find another woman?

His mother already said that he had to add a grandson to Yang Family. If he didn't give Yang Family a child and a half in two years, would anyone in Yang Family think that they wouldn't give birth to a child and then give him a concubine?

Thinking about it, Bai Xiao panicked.

"Brother Chu …"

"What's wrong? Can't sleep? "

The deep and magnetic voice was the most alluring one, but right now Bai Xiao was not in the mood to be provoked.

"Will you marry another woman?"

Yang Dingchu was startled, the little girl, who was silent just now, with his Qi in disorder, was actually thinking about such a messed up thing.

"All men of our Yang Family will only marry one wife, and are extremely loyal to them. We will never betray them, and once we do, it will be for life."

"But …" "What if …"

Bai Xiao hesitated, not knowing if she should say it. Would he be angry if she said that she would have a baby with him in two years?

"Xiao, we are husband and wife, you have even told me such a secretive matter about your background, what else is there that you can't tell me?"

"Brother Chu. "On our side, a sixteen year old student is still a first year senior. I …"

Seeing her at a loss for a long time, Yang Dingchu had thought that something big had happened, but it turned out that he was tangled on this matter.

"Don't worry, I've said that I won't touch you until you agree."

"I'm sorry …"

Yang Dingchu embraced her tightly, "Silly girl, we are husband and wife, there is no need to mention those three words."

"But don't make me wait too long, you know? With a beauty in your bosom, the only thing you can do is to look but not eat.

"I'll be seventeen after the new year, and eighteen when I'm ready."

"Still have to wait so long? Since you want me to wait so long, shouldn't you compensate me? "

"What compensation?"

"For example …"

"Hrm ~ ~"

Smooth cherry lips, lingering breath.

After a long while, the two of them reluctantly separated and both of them started to have feelings for each other.

"What a trial." Yang Dingchu pressed his body against Bai Xiao's.

Bai Xiao froze. This damn hooligan, she actually …

"Did I let you kiss me? Why is it all my fault? "You deserve it."

"Just say some sarcastic words over there. I'll bear with you for now, and when the seal is released, I'll see if you can't get into bed in three days without me taking care of you."

"You scoundrel, keep talking."

Bai Xiao was so embarrassed that she covered her head with the blanket. Usually, she would look very serious, but she never thought that it would actually be a smokescreen.

Sensing that Yang Dingchu had gotten up, Bai Xiao stuck her head out and said: "Where are you going?"

Yang Dingchu gritted his teeth: "Take a bath."

Bai Xiao retracted her head again, scolding him in her heart.

Only after a long while did Yang Dingchu come in from the outside. In order to not let Bai Xiao feel cold, he went to the other side and covered herself with the warm air before hugging Bai Xiao and sleeping with him.

Yang Dingchu who had already drank some broth hugged his wife and fell asleep.

A good night's sleep.

On the morning of the second day, Yang Dingchu woke up.

Today, Yang Dingchu and Bai Xiao were going to the market, so Mrs. Yang woke up early to make breakfast for them.

Yang Dingchu placed the wild boar and Bai Xiao's herbs on the unicorn one by one.

Bai Xiao noticed that the unicycle was a little strange, she did not expect to see one here. She remembered that in her previous life, she went to Sichuan to travel, and saw an exhibition unicycle in the museum.

The Sichuan people call it the Chicken Bus, which can be used to carry people.

The bus was named because it was shaped a bit like a chicken: a huge wheel that rose like a raised comb; two strong wooden frames on each wing, stacked with goods; and two wooden handles that were lifted by the driver and placed next to his hips, like the tail of a chicken.

And when pushed, it makes a screeching sound.

The winter morning was rather late. It was currently around six o'clock, so it was so dark that one could not see their five fingers.

Mrs. Yang passed a lantern to Bai Xiao, "It's dark now, the mountain road is not easy to walk on. It's more convenient for you to bring a lantern."

If Yang Dingchu was alone, there would be no need for the lantern. Because there was Bai Xiao, who was afraid of him, that's why she allowed her to bring the lantern.

Bai Xiao took the lantern and held it in her hand. The lantern was made from red oily paper.

After Yang Dingchu finished tying up the goods, he gave Bai Xiao a seat.

"Xiao, sit on top. I'll push you."

"No need, the wheeler is already loaded with goods, I will just follow you."

"Follow behind me, I'm worried. Hurry up, otherwise you won't be able to get to town by dawn."

Bai Xiao looked around, if she was allowed to leave, she was truly afraid. Thus, she did not beat around the bush.

"Mother, we're leaving. Go back and sleep for a while."

"Sigh, Mother knows, be careful on your way here. Dingchu, take good care of your wife."

"Got it, Mom."

The husband and wife duo, amidst the squeaking of the wheelbarrow, headed towards the town.