Young Mistress of the Future

"You are truly shameless. To do something so lowly in broad daylight, you are truly embarrassing the people from the Lotus Village."

"If people from other villages find out that our Lotus Village has such a woman, how will we marry our Lotus Village's daughter in the future?"

"That's right, Senior Bai must give an explanation for this matter. If Bai Fengya continues to act crazy, our village's daughter should forget about getting married."

Someone immediately called for someone from Bai Family.

Bai Fengya was struck dumb, only after a while did she regain her senses, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Bai Xiao, I'll fight it out with you. You stole my man, yet you still hit me. Let's see if I don't beat you to death."

Yang Dingchu kicked Bai Fengya who was rushing over.

"Shameless, scram."

Damn it, what if he really pissed his wife off?

"Xiao, let's not be angry. I feel bad for my body that has been ruined due to boredom."

Her tender affection for Bai Xiao was in stark contrast to her cold and violent attitude towards him.

Bai Fengya lay on the ground while holding the place where she was kicked at, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Yang Dingchu unwillingly.

"Why? I'm prettier than Bai Xiao, I like you more than her, why can't you see me? I liked you from the moment you arrived at Lotus Village. I haven't changed you in all these years, what about you? Not even giving me a single glance, Yang Dingchu, do you have a heart? "

Yang Dingchu comforted his wife as he turned to look at Bai Fengya.

"You don't even have any relationship with me, why should I care about you? But now that you have made me concerned, I will pay attention to you. If you dare bully my Xiao again, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world. "

"Where's my Fengya? Fengya. "

Mrs. Bai pushed the spectators away and was shocked when she saw Bai Fengya lying on the ground with blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"Fengya, what's wrong with you? Who hurt you? "

Her gaze fell on Bai Xiao, "Bai Xiao, did you beat him up? Why are you so vicious? How did my Fengya offend you? You want to do this to her? "

"You like Yang Dingchu, after Fengya knows about it, he gave you Yang Dingchu, who he liked for a few years, and you still aren't letting her go?"

Bai Xiao was stunned, what kind of obstruction was this?

"Mrs. Bai, do you think everyone is stupid? How did I marry into the Yang Family, forget about Lotus Village people, I'm afraid the entire town already knows. "

"Bai Fengya coveted her brother-in-law in front of everyone, and caused such a shameless thing. Now that you say Bai Fengya gave it to me, it's really funny."

Old Madame Bai walked a little slower, but when she arrived, she saw that Bai Fengya's face was swollen, causing her heart to ache.

Bai Fengya was raised by the Bai Family, and wanted to marry a rich man to be their mistress.

"Oh my god, my poor granddaughter, who the hell beat you up like that? And why is my clothes all wet? "

If Old Madame Bai did not say it, she had forgotten that Bai Fengya was completely drenched.

Needless to say, at the age of fifteen, Bai Fengya had already developed all the necessary parts of her body. There were some curves in the grooves, causing some of the men present to stare at her with interest.

Only now did Mrs. Bai notice that her daughter was completely drenched, so she quickly took off a piece of her jacket and draped it over Bai Fengya's body.

"All of you, shut your eyes. You're not allowed to look, or I'll dig out your eyeballs."

"Hehe, it's not like we got her wet. If she gets wet, she won't change her clothes. If she disgraces herself here, won't she be seen by others?"

Mrs. Bai could not bother to find trouble with Bai Xiao and quickly left to protect him.

Old Madame Bai looked at Bai Xiao, "Fengya was beaten up by you?"

"I did."

Yang Dingchu protected Bai Xiao behind him and looked at Old Madame Bai.

"My perfectly fine granddaughter was pushed into the river by you guys, but not only did you not say anything, you even injured her. You have to lose money."

The crowd went into an uproar, they thought that the Old Madame Bai would seek justice for Bai Fengya, they never thought that she would actually ask for money.

"My Fengya is a future Young Mistress, her body is expensive, you can just give her twenty silver."

Auntie Zhou, who usually liked to join in on the fun, smiled and asked: ", may I ask which family your Fengya belongs to, Young Mistress?"

"That's right, let us hear it. If we meet in the future, it'll be easier to greet him, no?"

"Pfft, just that unscrupulous woman Bai Fengya, forget about marrying a rich person to be the mistress of a family, even us rural people might not want her."

"In my opinion, you can only be a concubine to a rich family. "Hey, Master Liu from the town is not bad. He's rich, how about fifty silver taels for a gift?"

"That's right, after Master Liu died, he still had his son. It is said that he rather likes beauties." Aunt Bai, didn't you say that your Fengya was good-looking? It's the perfect time to send it to the Liu family. I will still be able to serve my son after it's over. "

"With Bai Fengya's dissolute attitude, she can definitely make Young Master Liu like him, then wouldn't her Bai Family be the same as enjoying wealth and prosperity?"

"Maybe if the young master of the Liu family is happy, he can really spoil his concubine and turn Bai Fengya into a young mistress."

"Hahaha …"

The group of men from the countryside would say whatever they wanted to say without any hesitation.

Old Madame Bai almost wanted to pass out from anger when she heard those unbearable words.

"Shut your mouth, you people that have gone crazy, you actually dared to curse my Fengya like this, you all will die a miserable death."

"Your granddaughter is shameless. Why don't you want her to say anything?"

They were all people who refused to be taken advantage of. They couldn't just stand there and take scoldings without responding.

Old Madame Bai engaged in a war of words with seven or eight onlookers.

Bai Xiao pulled on Yang Dingchu's sleeves, "Let's go."

Yang Dingchu did not want Bai Xiao to hear those unbearable words. He put the caught fish into the basket and walked back while holding Bai Xiao's hand.

Returning to the Yang Family, Mrs. Yang and Mrs. Bai finished preparing the rice and cabbages, and waited for Bai Xiao and Yang Dingchu to return.

Seeing the fish in the basket, he said in surprise: "Didn't you go to pick some wild vegetables? "Why did you catch so many fish?"

"I caught it by the Brother Chu. I picked some water celery by the river and washed it for you to eat."

Yang Dingchu said: "Mother, you guys first boil the pot in water, I will handle the fish, in a while, make a pot of fish soup and let everyone drink."

"Alright, I'll go and boil some water."

The ancient era did not have any heavy industrial pollution, and they also grew up by the water's edge. In fact, they did not need to wash to eat directly, but they were used to washing things before they entered the mouth.

Cut the washed water celery into small pieces and add some garlic, soy sauce, vinegar and dogwood.

Water celery can clear away heat, detoxify, diuresis and stop bleeding.

Last time when Qing'er had a cold, she had only eaten Hu Ao's soup once last time. She was too busy rushing the market and returning to the door that she forgot about it.

Even now, Qing'er's cold had not fully recovered yet. Coincidentally, the water parsley had the effect of treating colds and fevers and coughing, so giving more to eat would be good as well.