If You Don't Listen Just Hit

Once the two entered the inner circle of Yunshen Mountain, they drove their Spiritual Energy towards the basin in the depths of Yunshen Mountain.

The two of them headed straight for the basin, and in a short while, they arrived at the basin.

The basin hadn't changed much from the last time.

Bai Xiao looked at the herbivores, as if she was looking at shining gold and silver.

"It doesn't matter whether we catch him or not, safety is the most important thing. Don't be as reckless as last time."

"Don't worry, I'm not willing to part with my little life."

After she finished speaking, Bai Xiao rushed towards the galloping wild horse.

Yang Dingchu was shocked. He even said that he cherished his life.

He quickly followed her.

Bai Xiao who had landed in the middle of the wild horses could only see the legs of the horses galloping past him;

He jumped onto the back of the nearest horse.