Second Truck Jing Feng

After having lunch, Yang Dingchu and Bai Xiao brought Jing Feng into the mountain.

All along the way, Jing Feng was acting like a curious baby.

In order to prevent the matter with Wu Chenzi from getting out, they took another route to the depths of Yunshen Mountain. Although they took a detour, Bai Xiao found medicinal ingredients here that could help the two Yang Family Elders improve their sleep.

"Sister-in-law even knows medicine?"

Jing Feng looked at Bai Xiao as if he had discovered a new continent.

"I know a little."

Bai Xiao would pick all the necessary medicinal herbs that she saw.

Yang Dingchu was in charge of finding ingredients, there was nothing he could do.

The last time he went into the mountains, he had basically finished eating all of those things, leaving only half of the wild boar meat.