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"Sir, do you not like Yanqing?"

"Nonsense, Yanqing is the most important student to me, how could I not like him?"

"Then why did you chase him away? Once he becomes a High Scholar, he will leave the County School. If you want to meet him in the future, it will be even more difficult. "Why not let him stay by your side and perform filial piety?"

Teacher Du only wanted Bai Yanqing to step down because he didn't want to delay him.

However, he had not expected Bai Yanqing to be only twelve years old this year. With his current abilities, it would be difficult for him to rely on the High Scholar.

Right now, the court was not stable. She was afraid of being taken advantage of by someone. After all, she was still young and did not understand many things.

After a few years, when he was old and the court was slightly more stable, it would be even better if he took the examination.