The Day Was Approaching

Mrs. Yang helped Bai Xiao pick up the items she bought back, while tidying up the things she was thinking about.

"Mother, what's wrong?"

Bai Xiao saw that Mrs. Yang was hesitating.

"Xiao, why don't you stop following Ol 'Three to the borderlands?"

Mrs. Yang was afraid that Bai Xiao would misunderstand and explained: "Your elder sister-in-law is not well to begin with, and is now pregnant with children, so she has to be controlled outside the home. If you leave, what will happen if something happens?"

"I've been looking forward to it for so many years, but now it's finally my turn. We can't let anything bad happen to it, or else your father and I would lose the face to see the ancestors of Yang Family."

"Mother, I already told Brother Chu, I'm not going."

"Really? Are you sure you don't want to go? "