One Inside and One Outside

On the stone table of the pavilion, there were fruit snacks. Three women and a girl sat around the stone table.

"Say, tell me, I feel like something's wrong with our new home, but what's wrong?"

Bai Xiao sipped on her tea and looked at Mrs. Yang.

Madame Yang replied: What's wrong? I don't know, but the temperature in our courtyard is warmer than the outside. A few days ago, I was so stifled at home that I decided to go outside to have a look.

"The moment I stepped out of the door, the frost on my face blew over. I shivered from the cold and quickly retreated."

"That's right, that's right. Although the snow here isn't heavy, and there's a layer of snow on top of the houses, there's no snow on top of our roof or on the trees in our yard."

"Moreover, the temperature here is much warmer than outside, especially in this secondary courtyard. It's just like spring."