Jin Jing

"It's not like you can go one on one against ten thousand. At the very least, you'll only have one more person to go with you."

Mrs. Yang did not want his son to take the risk, what if something were to happen to him?

Didn't she have a grandson yet?

Bai Xiao knew about Yang Dingchu's martial arts, so she was not worried about his safety. If he did not offend, it would be difficult for others to hurt him.

However, when she thought of how she wouldn't be able to see him for a long time, she felt a little reluctant.

"Brother Chu, can you come back on my birthday?"

"You must come back."

That was the day they had agreed upon. On such an important day, how could he possibly miss it?

"Then I'll wait for your return."


Yang Wenyi frowned: "Don't tell me that's all you need to do when you came back?"

"Of course not. His Highness told me to come back. "