Azil's Posterior Amputation

The news of Aqile being sentenced to death quickly spread through the Barbarian Land.

When the people from the General's Estate heard this, they were thrown into chaos.

Those who were able to find connections with all tried to rely on relationships to leave the General's Estate, afraid that they would be late and meet with misfortune.

Aqile's concubines, especially those that did not have children, were all planning for themselves.

Even with the steward and his wife around, he wasn't able to stop them.

Of course, the main wife must have let the water in.

Which woman would want to see her husband, one by one, stuffing women into the backyard?

Although she didn't seem to care on the surface, she had already been holding back her anger and was thinking about how to deal with these women.

Now, at last, those women could be dealt with.