Water Wheel

Just as Yang Family finished his breakfast, Lee Chengyi came over.

"My dear sir, have you eaten? If not, I'll have the servants prepare it. "

Thank you, sister-in-law Yang Family, I have already eaten, where is Dingchu?

"Dingchu is in their room. Chunmei will go call Third Young Master and the Third Madam.

"Yes, this servant will go now."

"My lord, please come in."

Lee Chengyi laughed awkwardly as he followed Mrs. Yang into the main courtyard.

When Yang Wenyi saw Lee Chengyi, he laughed heartily and said, "What kind of wind is this, for it to bring my master over?"

"Big Brother Yang Family, don't say anymore. I came here today to specifically look for Dingchu."

"Why are you looking for Ol 'Three?"

"What can happen? It's just a piece of bullshit. "

"Master, Madam, Third Young Master and the Third Madam have arrived."

Yang Dingchu and Bai Xiao came in, bowed towards Lee Chengyi and sat down.