Grasshopper on a Rope

On the second day, the Yang Family began to get busier.

Bai Xiao said and told them that she was going to treat them to a feast, which he did.

"How can you come?" It was your father who said that. "

"What's the difference? We are all family, and if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have helped me find Brother Chu in the mountains back then. "

"Besides, our family has been in the limelight recently. If we don't host a banquet to invite the villagers over, who knows how many people will talk about our family."

"Let them say what they want. Your family's silver is not something that Windy got. How can you just take it out for free?"

The chief loathed the greedy faces of the villagers.

"What's wrong with that? At this time of year, no one has any food left in their homes. The adults are okay, but let's just put up with it and go." Look at those children, each of them as thin as a monkey, did you have the heart to look at them? "