King Xian Enters the Mountains

Prince Xian could not believe it. "Such a big cow is yours?"

"Old Ox, go to the side. You're blocking the way."

The old cow howled as its huge body shifted to the side.

"Your highness, let's go. Don't just look at how big it looks like it's scary. It's actually just a stupid thing. It's so stupid."

"Moo ~"

Master, how can you say that about an old cow?

Yang Dingchu didn't care about the old cow's dissatisfaction, and patted it and said, "Lead the way and dig some sweet potatoes."

The old cow lowed twice, then spread its legs and ran towards the sweet potato field.

When they arrived at the sweet potato field, the Prince Xian was once again shocked.

"You opened this whole movie?"

"That's right, this place was developed last year. We rushed to the Frontier Battlefield only to think that the production of sweet potatoes is higher than that of rice and wheat. They are all planted with sweet potatoes."