Remoulding Loom

"However, this machine is too backward. Just from its structure, its efficiency must be extremely slow." The system analyzed it.

Su Jin's results were the same as the system. She had previously visited the ancient textile museum, and had seen different types of textile machines. The model of this machine was very similar to one of the other machines, belonging to the extremely inefficient type.

In fact, it was indeed like that. From Su Jin's memory, her mother, Meng Qin, could only weave one-fifth of a piece of cloth every day.

"Therefore, I intend to improve its structure and increase its efficiency."

"So that's how it is." The System knew, it knew his host was a genius even in his original world, modifying the loom was not a problem, not to mention his identity as an AI system.

The next moment, the system began to discuss with each other.

"I want to add a transmission system here."

"Footsteps here can be optimized to make the steps simpler."

With Number One as the main and Su Jin as support, the construction was completed within a short period of time under the full drive of both of them.

"Very good, this will increase the effect by more than seven times." Su Jin nodded in satisfaction and then strode outside.

"Where to?"

"Get the materials to modify the loom right away."

Hearing Su Jin's reply, the system applauded her actions. Her way of doing things still remained the same. This kind of action and action was really hard for people to accept. Perhaps, this was one of the reasons why her subordinates were willing to follow her.

After calculating the tools and materials she needed, Su Jin found that she didn't need to spend too much money on them. The materials could be made using the miscellaneous items at home, and the tools could be borrowed from a nearby carpenter.

Soon she was close to the mouth of the alley.

"Hmm?" Su Jin stopped when she was still a few dozen feet away from the mouth of the alleyway. She turned her head as if she was listening to something, but then at the next moment, her expression changed drastically.

After turning a corner, sunlight fell on her face. Her pupils violently contracted as she shouted at the shadow in front of her, "Let go of my younger brother!"

The black shadow was shocked by her shout, only after turning the pot did she manage to slow down, and then fiercely shouted: "What are you calling me, little slut! If you say more, I'll teach you a lesson too! "

Su Jin turned a deaf ear to him. She strode forward and caught his hand that was holding her brother's hand. With some skill, she pulled him away and quickly retreated with her brother.

That person stared blankly for a moment, as if he hadn't expected her to do this. He didn't do anything.

"Sister!" The younger brother grabbed her sleeve and gestured for her to look. "He stole my things."

Su Jin looked over and found a few bundles of wild vegetables scattered on the ground in one corner.

"What, how can you be so unreasonable!" The big man said fiercely.

Su Jin looked at him coldly. This man was famous for his impudence, he had not even gotten married at the age of thirty, and spent all his time idling around, bullying his neighbors. And the Su Family, which had lost their pillar of support, was the easiest place to get bullied.

Su Jin knew that it was impossible to reason with such people, so she just looked at him coldly and picked up the scattered vegetables for her brother to take back.

"Hmph, next time when I slam into you, I'll break that son of a bitch's leg." The big man didn't pay any attention to him. He drank a mouthful of the bad wine and walked away shakily.

Su Jin watched his figure walk away. She slowly clenched her fists, and after a long while, she finally loosened them and turned around to walk away.

After getting the tools from the carpenter's house, Su Jin immediately went back home. However, before she could enter the courtyard, she heard some noises coming from inside, mixed with her mother's crying and her brother's crying.

"Ah!" Su Jin rushed into the yard.

In the courtyard, two or three men stepped over their mother who was lying on the floor and started to smash the furniture. Their younger brother tried his best to stop their younger brother from being pushed to the ground as well, but their mother was injured somewhere and couldn't get up.

Su Jin quickly put down her tools to help her mother up and asked, "Mother, what's going on!?"

In just a few words, she understood the gist of it.

It turned out his father had been seriously injured and his family had borrowed money to buy medicine. However, his father had left him with nothing but a pile of debts. His family did not have any financial resources, so he naturally did not pay up.

On the other side, Su Jin knew what had happened. The men had already come out and were still cursing, "So poor, there's nothing to smash!"

A man turned his head and saw the loom in the east side of the house. His eyes lit up as he shouted, "Where's the loom?!"

The three of them walked over. When Meng Qin heard this, she struggled to get up, "I beg you, please don't smash this. This is a guy who earned money from me!"

The men, however, turned a deaf ear to the sound of the loom as it entered.

His mother suddenly appeared on top of Su Jin. "It's over!"

When the men came out and saw Meng Qin lying on the ground, they shouted, "Who told you not to pay? "I'll tell you, according to the contract, at this time next month, if you don't pay up, then use your family members to pay the debt!"

Hearing this, Meng Qin's whole body shook. Her face became paler and paler, and her tears flowed even more ferociously. The men let out happy laughter and directly passed by them as they left.

She helped her mother into her room. When she looked around the room, she saw that the bedding had been thrown onto the floor, and the pots and pans had all been broken. After settling her mother up, she started to clean up quietly.

Mother just sat on the kang and looked at them without saying a word.

After cleaning everything up, Su Jin went to her mother's side and comforted, "Mom, it's alright, I will think of a way."

Meng Qin looked at her eldest daughter and just shook her head. Su Jin didn't say anything and let her second brother take care of her mother before she went to the room where the loom was kept.

The situation of the loom was much better than Su Jin had imagined. It was just that the most important part of the loom was broken. According to the plan she had drawn up, it was fine. Thus, Su Jin became more confident.

She picked up her tools and began to modify them.

"What are you doing, Sis?" asked his sister, who had come back from Mr. Nan's house.

"It's fine, just play with you." Su Jin replied and continued digging the board. After a while, her mother also arrived. However, she turned pale when she saw Su Jin's actions.

"Jin'er, what are you doing!?"

Su Jin heard the sound and stopped moving, "Mom, I'm improving this machine."

Meng Qin's face changed. However, before she could say anything, Su Jin continued, "There's no need to say anything more. I have already begun to reform. Mother, I have confidence."

Meng Qin looked at the weaver that had been dismembered to the point where it couldn't be seen and sighed dejectedly. She thought about the situation at home and didn't try to stop it.

The situation at home couldn't get worse, so he just let her do as she pleased. Anyway, this loom was already broken. She turned around and left, leaving Su Jin to work hard.