Scale up

Of course, ever since she had taken on the little landowner, she had started to consciously reveal the existence of the loom. At least, the neighbors on the street had already found out some clues about the loom, and now, a majority of the family weaved at night, and then put the loom away to rest during the repair. During this period, Su Jin had a few meetings with her family to discuss the future direction of development.

She deliberately allowed her mother and brother to express their opinions and observe their ways of thinking. Even her younger sister wasn't in vain for her to say a few words. Although all she said were the words "buy more sugar" and "buy more meat", she still insisted that her younger sister also experience her responsibilities as a family member.

After ten days, the initial repair of the house was done, and Su Jin received another wave of income.

The cloth was woven in ten days, half of it paid for by the cloth shop and the other half was sold. Currently, the cloth shop still owed about 25 pieces, and it would be able to pay them back within this month without any accidents.

Apart from the clothing store's clothes, Su Jin estimated that she would be able to earn around seven liang of income. Of course, seven liang was not enough to repair the house, Su Jin also didn't want to have to work hard with her mother like she did last month. Not to mention her mother, even she couldn't afford it. Ever since she had finalized the partnership with the little landowner, she had been thinking about how to increase her production. After thinking about it, the best method was still to buy a loom, transform it, and hire someone to do the work.

As soon as she thought of it, she went to the carpenter's shop to explain her purpose and was immediately taken to the courtyard to choose a loom.

On the floor was a row of machines of different styles. The assistant beside him introduced each machine's characteristics in detail, "This one is the latest one, the weaving speed is a lot faster. If you work hard to make it a day, you can get half of the cloth, the price would be around twelve taels." He measured the length, which was about four-fifths.

Su Jin raised her eyebrows. The shop assistant saw the expression on her face and thought that there was some hope, but now his hope faded, so he honestly introduced the lower end of the machine. "This machine might be more suitable for girls, it only needs three to five taels of silver."

Su Jin pointed to a machine at the edge of the room. "How much is this machine worth?"

The waiter followed her gaze and looked at her with disdain in his eyes. His tone was also a little lazy as he asked, "Which battle does Miss fancy? It's the oldest style in the shop. It's slow and simple in structure. Naturally, it's also the cheapest. "

"How much?" Su Jin asked indifferently.

"Three taels of silver." Seeing that Su Jin really wanted to buy it, the shop assistant cheered up again.

Su Jin opened her purse and poured all the money into her palm.

Three taels of silver and two taels of silver was more than enough. Su Jin immediately bought the machine.

"Please guide us, Miss, so that we can bring this machine home." The manager said.

Su Jin nodded and let the delivery boy drive the donkey cart back to his house with light footsteps.

Although her purse was empty again, she was in a very cheerful mood. From time to time, she would look back at the cart full of looms.

The clerk thought she was short on money, so she chose the loom, but she didn't know that the cheapness was secondary, mainly because it was the same as the looms at home and was easy to change.

That's right, the loom at home was the cheapest kind. It was the kind of loom that his father and mother had saved up for a long time to buy, yet Su Jin bought it today without even blinking her eyes.

"This is —" His mother was packing her things in the courtyard when she saw Su Jin lead a car to her house and unload a loom. She could not help but ask hesitantly.

"Buy early and buy late. Why don't we buy early?" She laughed.

This was something that had been discussed at the family meeting, so mother understood after listening to his explanation.

"You can put it in this room." She led the man to put the loom away, gave him three or four hard money, and politely sent them away.

As his mother came over to touch this brand-new machine, Su Jin tilted her head and said, "Tomorrow, I will start to modify this machine and then recruit a woman to weave cloth."

His mother nodded. Su Jin called her second brother over. "Go to the carpenter's house and borrow some tools." His second brother immediately ran out. Su Jin and Nianqin went back to the living room to roast some food. In less than a quarter of an hour, his second brother came back with some tools.

"Alright, sit and roast the fire." She took the tools and put them away, then sat her brother down and gave him a bowl of hot tea.

"Sister, are you going to work on that new machine again?" the younger brother asked expectantly.


"Then, can I help you with your work?" His second brother became even more excited.

"Are you interested in this?" Su Jin asked as if she had found something interesting.

His second brother nodded in embarrassment.

"Alright, then please be my assistant." Su Jin said casually.

After getting permission, his second brother's eyes lit up even more, and he couldn't help but rub his hands together.

It seemed that his second brother was more interested in these scientific and technical work. He just didn't know how talented he was. Su Jin couldn't help but smile as she looked at the red half of his face.

The next day, Su Jin and her second brother started to modify the loom. She still used the old things from home, she dismantled most of the loom, leaving only the main body structure, and then polished the parts and installed them one by one. During this time, she taught her brother all kinds of tools and basic knowledge about carpenters. Naturally, this knowledge came from Number 1, and she only read it according to the book.

When the modification was almost completed, she went to the blacksmith shop and ordered a batch of parts according to the method she had used last time. The blacksmith shop gained experience, so they quickly handed over the finished product.

Speaking of which, his younger brother Black Evil was really talented, he quickly mastered all kinds of tools, but he could very well use them three or four times, and the skills that he taught Su Jin were also very flexible. Su Jin felt that she could also help him a lot by nurturing his abilities.

This time, the modification involved adding the iron parts, which took four days to complete. Because Su Jin had mostly done this in the yard, the old Mu and the disciple surnamed Tan both knew that, and they started to look at the two of them with a strange look, as if they didn't understand the meaning behind it. However, after Su Jin tried to run the new machine for the first time, their jaws almost fell out.

"Craftsman Mu, Brother Tan?" Su Jin looked at the two of them and called out.