Hate in the Heart

A face that had only just appeared in front of her appeared in front of Su Jin. Her face suddenly turned cold without a trace of a smile.

"What are you doing here?" She spoke as if she were speaking to a stranger, her tone unwavering.

"You don't know anyone, do you? Little Wumianzi, don't think that I don't know that your family has so much money just because they are old and weak!? Say, is there some treasure?

"Just like Brother Wang of the Black Tiger Gang, Meng Shu also thought of the same path."

"Or else it's the dirty money your mother earned!" she added, the corners of her eyes popping up.

"Who is it?" Su Jin heard her mother's questioning voice from behind the door. She turned her head and replied, "It's borrowed." Then she stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her, cutting off her family from Meng Shu. Relying on her superiority over Meng Shu, she forced her to step back, stretched out her finger and said, "In the past, when you bullied my mother, I didn't have the ability. Otherwise, I won't hold back! " Su Jin spat out these words word by word like she was spitting out ice cubes. Her sharp eyes swept past her and then the remaining two people. After that, she didn't say anything else and turned around to enter the yard.

Meng Shu looked at the door close in front of her. She opened her mouth but could not say anything for a long time. Su Jin's expression just now was so scary that she forgot to fight back. When she came back to her senses, there was only one door in front of her.

"Mother." Her daughter came to her rescue.

"What are you shouting for? You guys were already mute just now, yet you guys didn't help me talk about those lowly hooves. I've raised you guys for nothing!" She threw off her daughter's hand and turned to scold. The matter of being subdued by her little sister's daughter made her feel extremely embarrassed. At this moment, she could only conceal her anger.

"Let's go back. What are you waiting here for? Can you tell me where the money is?" Hurry up and go back! " She left in a huff. Before she turned the corner, she turned her head to take one last look at the Su Clan courtyard. Her eyes were filled with envy.

"I'll dig out how you make your money. Just wait. If I have the money, let's see how I'll deal with you, bitch! "

With anger and gloom in her heart, Su Jin calmed herself down, put on a smile and returned to the living room. She picked up a piece of candy and ate it, smiling as she told her younger brother and sister the story of the native Andersen.

Before he could finish his story, another knocking sound came from the door. Su Jin frowned, then quickly let go of the door and went to open it.

Looking at the time, it was about time for the two hired women to come and work at home.

When she opened the door, she saw that it was indeed the case. She stepped aside, poured the two of them a cup of hot tea to warm them up, and as usual, went to the living room to exchange a few words before going to the weaving room to start work.

Su Jin was very satisfied with the two employees she hired and worked very hard without her urging. She was able to hand in six pieces of cloth every day. She thought for a while and decided to recruit more people after a period of time. She wanted to free her mother from the loom and raise her waist.

Tomorrow was the day the caravan would set off. Dai Zixian sent people to drive the carriage over, and Su Jin loaded up the seventy pieces of cloth as per the agreement, sending it off towards the direction of the Dai Residence.

"I wish I could sell it for a good price," she prayed.

The next morning, she woke up early. She had wanted to bring the thirty pieces of cloth to the cloth shop, but the Dai Residence's carriage had stopped at the entrance.

"Are you going to the Dai Residence? "I understand." This time she got into the car herself, without the servant saying anything.

It was still an indescribably bumpy ride. As Su Jin sat in the car, she wondered if the little landowner in the car would also be like her, swaying back and forth from the bumpy ride. Thinking about how he was shaking his head, Su Jin couldn't help but laugh.

When they arrived at the Dai Residence, the little landowner brought her to the backyard. When Su Jin saw that the caravan was ready, the men were all full of energy.

When the little landowner was speaking, he said something like "We will become the biggest caravan in the county" or "We will become a good and reputable caravan". When Su Jin heard this, she felt speechless but also found it funny.

Foolish and petty landowner? She shook her head and pushed this scary thought out of her mind. She turned her head to look at the elegant side of the little landowner who had temporarily quieted down and was listening to the leader of the caravan.

Just as he was lost in his own thoughts, a pair of warm hands grabbed his hanging hand and swung it upwards together: "The first stop will be a success."

Good heavens! The little landowner was full of excitement. He had used his own hands as the flag of war. Su Jin looked at the two's handshake and gave a heavy cough.

The little landowner reacted and quickly put it down. Hiding his cloak, he arrogantly announced, "Let's go!"

The caravan set off in droves, and the backyard was now empty. Only the two people standing side by side were left looking at the caravan's silhouette as it disappeared into the distance.

"It's going to snow soon." The little landowner suddenly said.

"Yeah, it's going to snow soon." Su Jin responded.


A little further north, when they arrived at Cheng Jing, Su Jin and Dai Zi Wu's snow had already started falling from the sky, sprinkling on the eaves of thousands of houses, drifting into the Yonghang Palace, which was left with a dried up pond.

"Esteemed wangfei, it's cold outside." The frail figure of the personal maid, Xiu Cai, who was near the window, placed the item in her hand, which had the soft fur of a silver fox, on her shoulder and carefully held it.

"Do you think he'll be cold if you say that it's snowing so heavily?" That figure tilted his head, staring fixedly at the snowflakes outside the window, his gaze unknowingly extending to that place.

"…" Xiu Cai lowered his head in silence, only pushing the half-used hand furnace with the engraved crane pair into her hands.

"Heh, no matter where, there would be a time when he was cold. I've thought too much about it." With a self-deprecating laugh, she turned around and walked over to the bed.

"We still can't find any news of him?" the woman asked.

"In reply to the Empress, even the dark guards have been used, but they still have not been found." Xiu Yu gazed at the woman's expression and replied.

"It's hidden so deeply …" As the woman studied the patterns on the furnace in her hands, her expression became unsettled. After a long while, she finally made up her mind. "Use the Unicorn Guard. We must find him within two months."

"You can't!" The Unicorn Guard cannot leave your side! " Xiu Cai was shocked, falling to the ground and exhorting.

The woman put down the furnace, slowly leaned over to the front of the Xiu Zhu, and raised her face.

Seeing that her master's eyes were slowly gathering water ripples, she opened her mouth and said: "Ah Xiu, you know, if I don't find him, what will happen to me, hm?"

Seeing her tears flow down her face, Xiu Cai sighed helplessly. Her straight back relaxed, and her determination seemed to have died down as well. She closed her eyes and said: "Yes."