Return of Caravan

She walked up behind Dai Zixian, scooped up his hair and slowly gathered it up. Because it was cold, her hands were very cold and not very agile, so she slowly moved.

The little landowner did not rush them and waited silently. The atmosphere gradually froze.

For some reason, Su Jin started to feel nervous. She steadied her heart, which was beating really fast, and focused all of her attention on her hands.

Well, the feel was good, she thought.

The hair in his hand was extremely smooth, as if he was holding a fine piece of silk. Unconsciously, he wanted to hold it for a longer period of time.

"Not done yet?" Dai Zi Wu asked.

"Soon." Su Jin came back to her senses, tied up her hair and put it into the leather band. She then twisted her hand agilely and tied her hair firmly.

"Alright." She returned to her original position and looked up at Dai Ziqian.

He looked ahead, leaving her with a well-crafted side face. The ponytail didn't look weak, but rather, it looked even more handsome. Su Jin looked away for a moment and lowered her head.

"These things are indeed interesting. I'll accept this gift." Only his slightly smiling voice could be heard.

Su Jin replied with a "Okay" in a low voice.

For a moment, no one spoke. The silent atmosphere lingered in the air.

"You …" Just when Su Jin wanted to speak, a voice came from outside the door, "Young Master, the caravan is back!"

Su Jin turned her head and looked at the direction of the sound. There was a corner in the middle of the corner, so the person who was talking must be hiding behind the corner.

She turned around and looked at the little landowner, but saw that he was also looking at her. The two of them locked eyes and Dai Zi Wu said, "We just happened to be here, let's go take a look."

Su Jin followed him all the way to the backyard, and saw that the people in the caravan were slowly unloading and reorganizing things. When the leader of the caravan realized that his master had arrived, he quickly walked over and cupped his hands, "Young Master."

"You've worked hard." Dai Zixian patted his shoulder and led him to a small room at the side.

The three sat down, Dai Zi Shi seemed to be very anxious, the moment he sat down he asked: "How is it?"

"…" The leader of the caravan didn't answer immediately, but looked at Su Jin at the side with an inquiring look. Dai Zi Shi finally understood, "Speak, this Miss Su wants to recruit our partner."

"Yes, Young Master." This time, we went to Yongzhou as a merchant. They are slightly north of our place and are even colder. All kinds of things are easy to sell, especially that pile of fabric which a few large cloth shops are fighting for. The owners of the cloth shops have told us that if there are any new pieces of cloth, we can sell them to them, and the rest can be sold to them. "

The leader reported the situation one by one, and the two's mood increased.

"What about the price of the fabric?" Dai Zi Wu looked at Su Jin and continued asking.

"Reporting to young master, that batch of cloth, plain cloth costs two hundred and eighty gold coins each, and flowery cloth costs four hundred gold coins each."

So many! Su Jin sighed in her heart. It seemed that her cloth was not only popular in the town, but also outside.

The caravan leader handed over the account book. Dai Zi Wu waved him away, turned his head and smiled to Su Jin: "Miss Su's cloth is very popular, congratulations."

Su Jin slightly smiled. She had already made up her mind all this while.

The two chatted for a while longer, agreeing that they would increase the number of cloths in the future. Then, Su Jin left.

Dai Zi Shi called a carriage to send her out. When Su Jin saw that it was snowing outside, she was afraid of being frozen, so she didn't refuse and got on the carriage.

Arriving at the front of the house, through the snowflakes that were getting bigger and bigger, Su Jin vaguely saw a figure standing in front of the house. She got off the carriage and let the coachman report back.

The figure was dressed in brown clothes and it was possible to tell that it was a woman.

"Hello, you are?"

Su Jin slowly approached her while asking.

"Is it Jin? I've been waiting for you for a long time. " The man turned, revealing her face. Su Jin took a closer look. It was one of her cousins, around eighteen or nineteen years old. His cheeks were red from the cold, and he kept rubbing his hands and stamping his feet to ward off the cold.

She looked behind her cousin and saw that the lock was locked. It seemed that her mother and younger brother and sister were both missing.

"If there's anything you want to say, let's go in first." She took out her key and, with difficulty, opened the door to let her cousin in.

Su Jin poured a cup of hot tea from the stove and handed it to her cousin, telling her to sit down and rest, then she asked, "Cousin, do you need anything from me?"

"This …" Cousin twisted the cup in her hand, embarrassed to speak.

Su Jin didn't have much experience dealing with relatives, so she didn't know what to say. After hesitating for a while, she didn't show any reaction, so she clenched her teeth and said, "Me, I came to ask Xiao Jin for a favor." Yesterday, I saw your family return to the village, and I knew that you guys were capable. After making a lot of money, I thought, "Come, I'm begging you guys, help us out."

Her face was flushed, and her forehead was beaded with sweat.

Su Jin looked at her face. She wasn't familiar with her cousin at all. She hadn't seen her in the crowd yesterday. From the way she was dressed, it seemed like she was here to borrow some money.

She thought about it for a while and did not say anything. Her cousin became anxious and said, "I don't want much. It's enough for the child's father to treat his illness."

"What about the others in the village?" Su Jin asked after thinking for a while.

Hearing this, his cousin's expression darkened. With a hint of hatred in her expression, she said, "I've borrowed everything that I can."

Su Jin looked at her eyes and suddenly had a thought.

His father had been severely ill, so his mother must have also begged for someone like that. However, in the end, it was all to no avail, and she even had to bear a large amount of usury.

Her eyes softened. "Wait." she said to her cousin, turning to the chest of drawers by the head of the bed, fumbling for two sticks of money, and coming over to hand them to her: "Take these first."

His sister-in-law was stunned for a moment. Then, she hurriedly received the letter. She stood up and bowed in gratitude. "Thank you, thank you!"

"No need to thank me," Su Jin said indifferently. She had returned to her cold demeanor and said: "It's getting late, if you want to go get the medicine, then hurry up."

His cousin thanked him profusely. Only when Su Jin began to feel impatient did she stand up and start to move.

"Wait a moment." Seeing that she was about to leave, Su Jin suddenly remembered something and stopped her cousin.

His cousin turned around, looking a little doubtful. "What's the matter, Xiao Jin?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask you, what do you do at home every day?" she asked.

"It's all rough work, cooking with children, and growing vegetables." Cousin said, somewhat embarrassed.

"I have a job here. Would you like to do it? Of course, the wages are definitely more than what you get from working at home. It's enough to support your family. " Su Jin continued.