Tan Jun's Confession

Su Jin entered and the head storekeeper politely welcomed her. "Miss Su is here again. Please come in."

Su Jin put down the cloth in her hands and turned around to see the shopkeeper bringing over a cup of tea, "Have some tea to warm your body."

"This tea is very fragrant." Su Jin took a sip and felt that her mouth was filled with the rich fragrance of the tea.

"Hehe, Miss Su, you know what's good for you. This is a specialty of Yuzhou. I've specially arranged for someone to bring it back from there. It's quite rare to see it in the town." The manager said with a smile.

Su Jin smiled. The two of them sat down in the chair and the shopkeeper poured her another cup of tea.

"Thump." The sound of the teapot hitting the table rang out. Su Jin was drinking tea while the shopkeeper spoke with some hesitation. "I heard that Miss Su is cooperating with Young Master Dai."

"Ah!" Su Jin put down the teacup and wiped her mouth, "I didn't expect the shopkeeper to be so well-informed.

"Hehe, a businessman is naturally smarter." The shopkeeper stroked the handle of his hand. "I don't mean anything. I'm just checking."

"He really does have what I need. Furthermore, my production will get bigger and bigger. I urgently need to find a way to sell the surplus." Su Jin explained.

"So that's how it is." The shopkeeper nodded.

"Agree to give the cloth shop sixty pieces a month, and you don't have to worry, shopkeeper." Su Jin was afraid that he would think too much, so she added a few more sentences.

"Heh heh, of course, of course." The shopkeeper was a bit confused.

"Oh right, I have something I want to ask the shopkeeper. I don't know if you know that there are women in the town who are free. I would like to recruit some people to operate the loom." Su Jin said.

"No problem, I promise I will do it well for you." The shopkeeper patted his chest and bowed to send Su Jin off.

After Su Jin left, the shopkeeper was the only one left in the inner hall. He lifted the teacup on the table and took a sip, but he couldn't feel the fragrance from it.

In just half a year, she had developed a relationship with the Dai Family's Young Master. I didn't have a premonition then, but Lady Su wouldn't be a simple person in the future. Fortunately, I had a good relationship with her before this, so as long as we continue to maintain this relationship, we would be able to obtain some benefits from it.

He pondered for a long time before raising his teacup once again. He looked at the cloth by his side, as if he had seen hope for the future.


"Little Jin!" Su Jin was walking on the street when she was caught off guard by someone shouting behind her. At the same time, her shoulder was slapped.

She was taken aback. She turned around and saw Tan Jun. Tan Jun had something in his hand, and he passed it to her. "It's for you."

"What is this?" She looked at Tan Jun's brilliant smile, but did not extend her hand to receive it. Instead, she asked a question.

"Uh, yes, it's the red date cake on the shop over there. It's nothing." Tan Jun scratched his head.

"I just bought it too." Su Jin picked up the paper bag beside her and waved it in front of his eyes.

"Uh, so it's like that. It's okay, you take this bag as well. Give it to Brook to eat." Tan Jun smiled in embarrassment.

"No, give it to auntie." Su Jin lowered her head and once again rejected.

"What's wrong? It's fine. I bought it from mom as well. Take it." No matter what Su Jin said, Tan Jun still wanted to push the red date cake into her arms.

Su Jin and him tried to shirk it for a while. "Hua la — —" With that, the red date cake was unwrapped and scattered on the ground.

"I'm sorry!" Su Jin was shocked. Looking at Tan Jun's face, she apologized.

She crouched down, wanting to clear up the scattered pastries, but Tan Jun pulled her back.

Tan Jun's face darkened, but soon changed into a gentle expression. He frowned as he asked Su Jin, "Xiao Jin, there's something I want to ask you."

Seeing that he was serious, Su Jin could not help but become serious and replied, "Tell me."

"Are you hiding from me?" Tan Jun asked hesitantly.

Su Jin was stunned into silence.

Actually, she had already noticed that Tan Jun was not ordinary recently. Throughout the entire New Year, he would occasionally come to the house to bring some things over.

As far as she was concerned, those things were nothing. However, after accumulating them a few times, they could be considered a big favor. Tan Jun was an extremely noble person, she was the only one who came to places where she no longer lived. When she returned home, she would discover that there was an inexplicable wonder in her home that there were so many things.

She told her mother and second brother not to accept her, but Tan Jun always had a good tongue, and could always find a reason, either to "thank you for getting her a good job," or to "know her for so long, you should give her a present." In Su Jin's eyes, these were all useless things, but every time she was blocked off by him, she would remind her mother, but her mother just said, "Tan Jun is a good boy."

She always felt that she was too close to him, so she wanted to avoid him. Thus, during this period of time, she always kept her distance from him whenever she saw him and didn't take his things to talk to him.

Who would have thought that he would say something like this today? Moreover, he had even asked openly.

"Nope." Su Jin replied as she thought about these things.

"Then why do you not like to talk to me these few times? Do you hate me?" Tan Jun wrinkled his brows, asking as if he was extremely nervous.

Tan Jun was the kind of sunny, handsome brother next door. During this time, Su Jin had also more or less heard about how popular he was among the girls in the town. Beautiful people were always liked by people, but for her who controlled her appearance, no matter how ugly she was, she just couldn't hate him.

"That's good." Tan Jun's eyebrows relaxed a little. Su Jin also let out a sigh of relief, but just as she was about to pull back, Tan Jun pulled her by her hand again, pulling her close to him. Su Jin was caught off guard and crashed into his chest.

Su Jin had never been so close to anyone before. In that instant, all the muscles in her body tensed up and her brain went blank.

Seeing that she did not move, Tan Jun was overjoyed. He had thought that she was interested in him too.

It was originally because he was so good-looking. There were countless girls in the town who wanted to marry him, and he knew how to make girls fall for him. How could Su Jin not like him?

She had probably been hiding from him a while ago because she was shy. If he talked to her properly, she would know what he was thinking.

Thinking this way, he continued, "I like you very much, I — I want to talk to you —" He did not continue. He felt that this was enough, that no one would not understand him unless she was an idiot.

He lowered his head even more, as if he was about to kiss Su Jin, all the air in his body was poured onto Su Jin's slightly stiff face.

Su Jin was shocked by his aura and came back to her senses.

"F * ck!" Su Jin cursed in her heart as she used all her strength to struggle free from Tan Jun's grasp.

Her heart was filled with f * cking shock. Her face was red from anger as she looked at Tan Jun as if she was looking at a monster.