Behind the Scenes

Only at this moment did the two of them react.

They were greatly shocked in their hearts. They never thought that a little girl like Su Jin would be so decisive.

The hoodlum on the right jumped away when Su Jin jumped towards him. Who would have thought that Su Jin's gaze was not on him, but on the man at the very start.

Without hesitation, she pushed out three needles from her fingertips. She exerted all her strength and swung them with all her might. The tips of the needles flew through the air with the force of a gust of wind and landed directly on the hoodlum's face.

The tip of the needle had not yet finished. The tip of the three needles pierced the flesh on the big man's face and sent the venom under his skin.

The hoodlum felt his face go numb and his vision went dark. He waved his hands in fear and shouted, "I can't see anymore, bitch! What poison did you use?!"

"Heh." Su Jin sneered.