Internal and external diseases

Chapter 18 - Internal and External Disorders

However, the most important thing was to heal the injuries on his body. Otherwise, there would be a lot of inconvenience.

Secondly, he had to train as much as he could. He had to get back to his peak state as soon as possible and gain a bit more confidence.

The weather was still chilly, but it was already past noon. The sun was high in the sky and the sun was shining brightly. Everyone was feeling very warm. As Xie Qingrong thought about this, she fell asleep while leaning on the stone platform.

In the blink of an eye, seven days had passed and Xie Qingrong's back injuries had already mostly healed.

Xie Qingrong drank blood ginseng tea every day and had light white porridge as well as vegetable soup that didn't have oil and water. Her mouth was as calm as water. It just so happened to be Lantern Festival these days. Every year, around three days during the fifteenth day of the second month, it is Heavenly Sage Kingdom's Lantern Festival.

The streets of the capital were ten li long and flourishing like brocades.

There were many shops on both sides of the street. The afterglow of the twilight shone on the red walls and the green tiles. It seemed as if there was a layer of golden light that was dazzling. Lanterns were hung in front of every shop, and the long street was filled with them.

As Xie Qingrong brought Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu along the road, they saw countless lanterns, and a trace of a star was already burning within the lanterns, which faintly revealed a bright yellow flame.

By the time the sun had fully set, the sky had already turned dark.

The sparks within these lanterns were like the only light in a dark street, forming a long, bright path.

The people in front of him were moving in a circle, as if they were playing some kind of game.

Nuan Xiang pulled on the warm jade and rushed into the crowd. Xie Qingrong shook her head slightly, but followed the other two into the crowd.

He did not know how the two of them managed to squeeze their way in, but after entering the innermost circle, he realized that this was a crossword puzzle.

There were already four or five people in front who had come back disappointed. Only the first guessing puzzle owner had gotten the first lantern.

Nuan Xiang pulled at the warm jade's hand and excitedly participated as well.

When the last person had lost, the peddler holding the lantern asked, "May I ask which young master and lady is the next to guess the riddle?"

Due to the failure of the previous few people, the surrounding people looked at each other, but no one stood up. Thus, only Nuan Xiang and Warm Jade were left with their hands raised. Although Warm Jade's hands were pulled up by Nuan Xiang, one could tell from the reserved smiles on her face that Warm Jade was actually very interested in him.

The two of them stood in front of the peddler and asked, "Boss, I wonder if the two of us can do it?"

The peddler held the pink rabbit lantern and smiled. "Of course you can. As long as you can answer three mysteries, this lantern is yours."

Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu looked at each other and saw the fighting spirit in each other's eyes. Both of them spoke at the same time, "Boss, we are already prepared.

The peddler said, "Listen up, there's no meaning to the riddle, just type the name of the herbal medicine."

There was no word on the riddle. He typed out the name of the Chinese herbal medicine.

The surrounding people were stupefied. What was this lantern riddle? It was even harder to guess than the previous one. The crowd was already asking each other questions, but no one was able to guess the answer.

Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu were also dumbfounded. The two of them had never come into contact with the medical books and did not know about these profound Chinese medicinal herbs.

The two of them subconsciously turned to their young mistress, only to see that her expression was indifferent and she had no intentions of helping them.

Moreover, the Miss's eyes clearly stated that she wanted them to solve this mystery themselves.

The two stood in a deadlock for a long time, the people around them were all impatient and Nuan Xiang bit her lips, just when she was about to say that she would give up.

"The answer to the riddle is Bai Zhi." A melodious female voice rang out.

Nuan Xiang turned her head and saw a young lady dressed in a light purple dress. Her shoulders were draped with white, and her black hair was half-combed.

The girl looked very much like her young mistress, with her curved willow leaf eyebrows and almond eyes curved into a crescent-shaped arc from her smile. With a single glance, he thought that it was his young mistress.

However, in the next moment, he came back to his senses. His young mistress had never smiled so cheerfully and naively before.

The girl stepped forward and also asked the peddler with a smile: "Boss, I wonder if my answer is correct?"

The peddler didn't answer the purple-clothed girl's question. He only asked her, "Miss, you can't answer on behalf of me here unless you know these two ladies."

Without waiting for the trader to finish speaking, the purple clothed girl turned her head and looked at Nuan Xiang.

Nuan Xiang immediately understood and said to the trader: "This lady is with us, her answer is also ours." Nuan Xiang lied without batting an eye.

The peddler nodded, indicating that he understood. He then asked the purple-clothed girl, "I wonder how Miss knows the answer to this riddle. Would you be willing to tell me?"

The purple-dressed girl revealed a confident smile and said in a free and unrestrained manner, "The riddle does not mean that there is nothing above. In other words, there is not a single word above the paper." Since there were no words above the paper, then it was white paper.

And the homonym of the white paper was naturally Bai Zhi.

'Bai Zhi Sheng He Dong Chuan Valley is in the lake 'was recorded in the book. Spring leaves, relative to the fluff, purple, wide three-fingered. White and yellowish. After falling into the fall, the seed will die and the seedling will wither. The roots dried up in February and August. "The Huang Ze is the best."

The peddler clapped his hands and praised, "Young lady is very knowledgeable."

Seeing that someone was praising her, the purple-clothed girl laughed complacently.

Xie Qingrong who was in the middle of the crowd frowned, the appearance of this girl was too sudden. She did not stop Nuan Xiang and Warm Jade, but continued to observe them, planning to probe this young lady's actual situation.

The peddler straightened his expression and continued, "I invite the three ladies to listen to the next question. The seven brothers looked the same, while the eldest and second brother were in the countryside. Fifth Brother wanted to join together, there was a wall between them. Fight for something or the like. "

The purple-clothed girl was surprised for a moment but quickly reacted. However, she did not say it out loud. She decided to wait until the two girls could not answer before coming out to answer the riddle.

Warm Jade immediately understood when she heard this riddle. Recently, she had been dealing with this item. Seeing that Nuan Xiang was still pondering, she pulled on Nuan Xiang's hand, indicating that she had an answer.

Warm Jade replied confidently, "I guess this is an abacus. I don't know, right? "

The peddler smiled and said, "Yes, it's an abacus. I wonder how you thought of it?"

Warm Jade smiled, her pretty face was now a little pretty and lively. She said, "An abacus usually goes from the ninth to the tenth abacus, with a beam in the middle, with two beads on the beam, counting five beads per bead, and five pearls under the beam. Each bead can be counted by one."

The peddler nodded his head, indicating that Warm Jade was right.

The purple-clothed girl did not expect them to be able to answer her question. However, one could not judge a book by its cover. She had come out this time to travel a bit, get to know the people from other countries, and experience the glory of other countries.