Self strength

Chapter 24 - Strength

"Of course you need to, merchant girl, name a price." Although she disliked Shang Zhiqing, but seeing that the Sixth Princess had helped her out, she did not dare to be rash.

The reason why Su Yanluo had the thought to buy the lantern was because of Ye Jiaze. If it wasn't for Ye Jiaze, she wouldn't have said this. Initially, she thought she could win against this Poetry Conference. Unexpectedly, she didn't even have the chance to show her face.

The corner of Shang Zhiqing's mouth hooked up into an evil smile, and said: "Originally, even giving you this lantern would be impossible. "But …" Shang Zhiqing purposely paused for a moment, seeing the happiness on Su Yanluo's face, she continued: "But what about that, I need to ask Elder Sister Rong, after all, I only joined this Poetry Conference for his sake."

Then he turned to Xie Qingrong and asked: "Elder Sister Rong, didn't you like that lantern just now? Now I've got it for you. However, this Miss Su seems to really like this lantern. Elder sister, would you be willing to part with it? "

Shang Zhiqing threw the spearhead back to Xie Qingrong and everyone immediately turned to look at Xie Qingrong, as if they were curious how she would answer.

Xie Qingrong stood on the stairs and heard Shang Zhiqing say "but". She had a premonition that Shang Zhiqing would throw the "hot potato" to him, but she was also not someone to be trifled with.

Facing the curious, shocked, disdainful, and doubtful gazes of the surrounding people, Xie Qingrong slowly revealed an extremely shallow smile. Her almond eyes curved and her long eyelashes covered up the blade-like coldness in her eyes. Miss Su was probably going to be disappointed. Since little sister Shang specially won this lantern for me, how can I give it away? "

Xie Qingrong increased the pronunciation of the word 'specially', causing Shang Zhiqing's eyebrows to jump uneasily.

Su Yanluo was extremely furious. If just one or two of them didn't give her any face today, then that Shang Zhiqing was one thing. What was going on with this woman? Did she not know her identity? She frowned, suppressing her anger and asked, "Miss, do you know who I am?"

Xie Qingrong impolitely responded with a question, "I don't know, who are you?"

After hearing Xie Qingrong's question, Su Yanluo's eyes were filled with anger, and she berated loudly: "I am the daughter of the Minister of Rites, yet you, a mere commoner, dare to be disrespectful to me."

Su Yixiu didn't have the time to cover her mouth, he could only watch as she courted his death. This person's identity was unknown, but his temperament was cold, and one could tell that he was not someone to be trifled with, just by looking at him, that Su Yanluo was unable to discern the truth. His eyes turned cold, and his gaze at Xie Qingrong became more and more unfriendly.

"Master Xu Hongju once said that the people in the land of nobles are less important than the people in the land of nations. The entire world is filled with commoners, not even my Heavenly Sage Kingdom Emperor has casually suppressed tens of thousands of citizens. You, the daughter of the Minister of Rites, is actually able to surpass the Emperor. Xie Qingrong mocked coldly.

This hat was way too big. Everyone's expression changed.

Ye Jiaze stood out and tried to smooth things over for Su Yanluo, "My sister has been spoiled too much by others at home, I didn't mean to speak, so please forgive me for offending this lady."

Xie Qingrong glanced at the silent Su Yixiu, looked at him, and ridiculed with a smile that was not a smile: "This brother of yours is indeed courteous, I only take him to be childish."

Ye Jiaze then smiled and asked: Thank you, young lady. May I know young lady's name? It's also good to pay a visit to the young lady's residence another day. "

"Xie Qingrong." After saying her name, Xie Qingrong paused for a moment, then laughed coldly: "But there's no need to pay me a visit."

Ye Jiaze seemed to have thought of something, he stared blankly, and Ye Ningyu who was behind him suddenly exclaimed, her expression did not change, and asked: "Your father is General Xie?"

"That's my father." Xie Qingrong did not miss the jealousy that flashed past Ye Ningyu's eyes, she looked at Xuanyuan Chen who was standing opposite of her, silently watching the show.

Ye Jiaze's face showed unease, his eyes were deep and thoughtful, and before he could say anything, Ye Ningyu said straightforwardly: "Since that's the case, why didn't Miss Xie report his identity earlier?"

Xie Qingrong looked coldly at Ye Ningyu, "No comment."

Ye Ningyu was shocked by Xie Qingrong's cold gaze and subconsciously looked away. When she reacted, a trace of anger flashed past her eyes.

Just as she was about to speak, she saw Xuanyuan Chen walking over, she pouted her lips bashfully and stared at him.

He never thought that Xuanyuan Chen would actually come to Xie Qingrong's side. He kissed his face and said in a very gentle tone, "What is the wangfei doing?"

Xie Qingrong glared at him and said rudely: "What has it got to do with you?"

Xuanyuan Chen only rubbed his nose, not caring in the least, and completely pampered Xie Qingrong.

Ye Ningyu saw the two's actions and felt a burning jealousy. She glared fiercely at Xie Qingrong. If looks could kill, then Xie Qingrong would die a hundred times over.

Xie Qingrong had only occupied the position of wangfei. If she wasn't the daughter of a general, how could she possibly have married into the Prince Chen? The more Ye Ningyu thought like this, the more furious and jealous she became, until she finally felt wronged.

She was clearly the one who had grown up alongside Xuanyuan Chen, why was Xie Qingrong so lucky?

As he thought about it, Ye Ningyu felt even more wronged, and shouted, "Big Brother Chen."

The beauty's eyes were red and filled with tears. Originally, it was something very pleasing to the eyes, but Xuanyuan Chen only raised an eyebrow, her voice was light, and there was not a trace of mercy in it, "This king does not remember having a sister like Miss Ye, I hope that you can behave yourself."

"Big Brother Chen, no, Prince Chen, don't you remember what you told Ning Yu when you were young?"

"Oh? This King does not know what This King said to the Miss Ye when she was young. Furthermore, even if he did say something, how could the matters of his youth be counted? The words of a child carry far too much weight. Miss Ye should know about this, right? "

Xuanyuan Chen directly denied the past relationship he had with Ye Ningyu, and furthermore, from his point of view, this past was just a misunderstanding. Since it was a misunderstanding, there was no need to put it to heart.

"Prince Chen, your luck with women is quite good." Xie Qingrong teased with a smile that was not a smile, but her eyes were calm.

"I am speaking with the Prince Chen, how can you interrupt me?" Ye Ningyu was wronged and jealous, but she kept her mouth shut.

Xie Qingrong's eyes that were as cold as ice looked at Ye Ningyu, and said: "I, Xie Qingrong, am a Princess Consort Chen bestowed by the Emperor himself, and I, the future royal family, do not know that you, the daughter of the prime minister, would actually dare to disrespect us, and look down on us."

Xie Qingrong put on the hat, Ye Ningyu's lips instantly turned white, and she anxiously tried to defend herself: "I … That's not what I meant. "

However, Xie Qingrong did not plan on letting her off that easily. She took a step towards Ye Ningyu, causing Ye Ningyu to stagger back a step. Could it be that Miss Ye feels that your Prime Minister is the strongest in the assembly, and that my identity as the daughter of the General Xie is something you can bully as you please? "