Baleful qi

Chapter 28 - Baleful Qi

Indeed, Xie Qingrong did not have much hope for that cheap father. She was not the original owner, and as a killer, she did not know what emotions were.

"What, it's been a long time since I've seen your father, and you're actually so distant from him?" Xuanyuan Chen asked.

"From the moment I was born, I have been treated as a bane of lives. I presume that father does not really like me. Furthermore, my father has always guarded the border all these years. I have never interacted with him at all, so how can we talk about friendship? " Xie Qingrong said indifferently.

"This King didn't know that wangfei would be so lonely and see through it, did he?"

Xie Qingrong shot a glance at Xuanyuan Chen, knowing that he was probing his, but he did not have the patience to deal with him, and only coldly said: "It's been more than ten years since we last met. She had done her duty as a child by calling him her father.

Furthermore, I believe that you have clearly seen the scene at the Lotus Pond. Since everyone knows what is going on, why not cooperate and win? "

Cooperation? Xuanyuan Chen was a little interested, his lips formed a meaningful smile, and asked: "How do I cooperate? What do you think, Princess? "

"The marriage between you and I is already certain. The puberty will probably hold the wedding ceremony soon. It was better to accept his fate than to think about how to escape. I know that you and the King Jing are like fire and water, you might as well form a marriage alliance with me, since that would be beneficial to you too.

Moreover, the relationship between you and I is not heartless, so we can be husband and wife on the surface. After you finish what you want to do, I will leave. " Xie Qingrong said indifferently.

You and I are not a heartless couple. We are a superficial couple.

Xuanyuan Chen's eyes were filled with rage, his entire body releasing cold Qi, Xie Qingrong felt that the temperature was a little low, she glanced at the furious Xuanyuan Chen, and without caring about anything, she took a bite of the Jadeite Bean Cake.

Seeing that Xie Qingrong did not care about her, Xuanyuan Chen became even more furious, he extended his arm to grab Xie Qingrong, locking her tightly into her legs. Xie Qingrong struggled, but her iron fists became tighter and tighter. Xuanyuan Chen raised a smile that was filled with coldness and glared fiercely at Xie Qingrong. "How does Your Highness know that this king doesn't have any feelings for Your Highness?"

Xie Qingrong stared at Xuanyuan Chen, she did not expect her words to anger Xuanyuan Chen, it was unexpected. She frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Xuanyuan Chen didn't answer and said: "You are one of this king's people, so after everything is done, you will naturally stay by this king's side. Furthermore, as this king's consort, where are you planning to go? "

Where to? There were so many places he could go, and the world was big. How could he not have a place for her? With a cold snort, Xie Qingrong said coldly: "We are only cooperating, we do not need the rest."

"Who said anything? This King wants to cooperate with you. This King can do it himself, so I don't need your help. "

"In that case, we have nothing else to say." Xie Qingrong acted as if she wanted to get up from Xuanyuan Chen's leg. She struck a palm strike out of thin air, and Xuanyuan Chen blocked her palm, firmly grabbing onto her wrist.

Xie Qingrong raised her eyebrow, and said with a sneer: "Let go."

With one hand on Xie Qingrong's waist and the other on her wrist, Xuanyuan Chen rested his head on Xie Qingrong's shoulder. He took a deep breath and said sullenly, "Princess doesn't like Ben Wang?"

Like it? What is that?

Xie Qingrong, who had been taught to be heartless and heartless since childhood, had never known what emotions were. In their world, there was only blood and killing. She had never touched such ethereal things.

But towards Xuanyuan Chen, she couldn't really say what kind of feelings she had. On that day, when she was severely injured and on the verge of death, faintly seeing his worry and concern was not fake, touched her heart.

A very shallow ripple appeared, but it quickly turned into a calm lake. When she heard him ask her if she liked him, it was as if a stone had been thrown into her heart. The calm surface of the lake rippled once again.

Xie Qingrong thought for a while, then said honestly: "I don't know, I have never experienced this before."

After Xuanyuan Chen heard this, he whispered into her ear: "Then, how about we try liking this duke?"

When he first saw her, he was disappointed at her cowardice and didn't care about her anymore. However, the matter regarding the Lotus Pond had a ripple in his heart from beginning to end. He didn't know what she had experienced to undergo such a transformation. But he knew that from that moment on, he had developed a strong interest in her.

Afterwards, when the Prince Chen's Mansion left and she was seriously injured, he suddenly felt an unprecedented panic. She was one of his people and he wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her under any circumstances.

He probably cared a lot about her. Otherwise, how could he have such an intimate relationship with her before the major incident had occurred?

Xie Qingrong was startled, as though she did not understand Xuanyuan Chen's thoughts, but she decided to believe in him for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "Okay." Pausing, she continued, "But I have conditions, and you can only agree."

"What conditions? Tell me." After Xuanyuan Chen heard that she had agreed to it, the anger in his eyes immediately dissipated and slowly turned into pleasant surprise.

Xie Qingrong held onto Xuanyuan Chen's clothes, his face was cold and grave: "You absolutely cannot betray me, and you can only have me. If you can't do it, I will personally kill you."

Xuanyuan Chen kissed Xie Qingrong's nose and then no longer held back his calm like before. He gently promised, "Alright, this king promises you."

Humph, Xie Qingrong sneered, and wrapped her arm around Xuanyuan Chen's neck in an unrestrained manner, she pointed at the delicious food on the table and said, "What are you waiting for, I want to eat that."

Xuanyuan Chen smirked, and revealed a complacent smile. His almond-shaped eyes slightly perked up, and like that, Zhang Yang and Xie Sai poured out.

He picked up his silver chopsticks and gave some food to Xie Qingrong.

After Xie Qingrong finished her lunch at Xuanyuan Chen's place, she immediately rejected Xuanyuan Chen's idea of sending her back home. She did not want to be so flamboyant.

Just as she returned to the General's Residence, she saw her maidservants, Nuan Xiang and Wen Yu running over excitedly to welcome her.

Nuan Xiang said in surprise: "Miss, guess, who is back?"

Xie Qingrong already had a plan in her heart. Most likely, her cheap father had returned, so she pretended not to know it.

"Yes miss, the general is back. No one can bully you now." Nuan Xiang said with a smile, she was extremely happy for Xie Qingrong.

"Then where is General Xie now?"

"Waiting for Miss in the hall."

Xie Qingrong brought the two servants to the hall.

Xie Jing was dressed in green, standing with his hands behind his back, looking like an elegant scholar from afar. Only when Xie Qingrong walked in did Xie Jing turn around. His facial features were as hard and handsome as an axe's, but he had experienced a lot of vicissitudes of life, the years had already left many scars on his face. However, having experienced so much in the battlefield, his entire body began to emit a thick, ruthless and baleful aura.