Great publicity

Chapter 38 - Brilliant

Xie Qingrong stared at Ye Ningyu with her cold eyes, the corners of her mouth hooked into an extremely cold smile, and she slowly rejected her offer: "Since there's Miss Zhangsun who's playing a song. Why don't the Miss Ye take this opportunity and present a song for everyone? After all, the dancing in the Miss Ye is much more outstanding than that of my daughter. "

With that, he turned and waited for Xuanyuan Chen who was seated beside him.

It's all your fault!

[The peach blossoms that you brought out yourself, you took care of it yourself. Why are you dragging me along?!]

Xuanyuan Chen received Xie Qingrong's gaze and was speechless. Xuanyuan Chen also signaled her with his eyes to convey his thoughts.

This cannot be blamed on This King. How did This King know this would happen!?

Moreover, you are This King's wangfei, how can This King bear to let you make a public appearance!

Just as the two of them were looking at each other, Ye Ningyu became even more envious and jealous.

"Since the Miss Xie was young, she has been engaged to the Prince Chen. She thinks that there must be something extraordinary about her, that a mere dance will not change her mind. Miss Xie, what do you think? "

Why is it that Xie Qingrong is Big Brother Chen's fiancee, and is even the general's daughter? She himself was also the daughter of the Prime Minister, how could she compare to Xie Qingrong? In terms of position, family, and looks, how could Xie Qingrong compare to him?

He was clearly the most suitable woman to be the Big Brother Chen!

Everyone present were intelligent, they obviously knew why Ye Ningyu suddenly shouted for Xie Qingrong to dance, moreover, the Emperor had agreed, but did not know what Xie Qingrong would do.

In all these years, as the daughter of the General Xie, Xie Qingrong had never participated in a banquet before, so no one knew what abilities this Xie Qingrong had.

In that moment, everyone looked at Xie Qingrong with disdain, worry, malicious intent, waiting to see her make a fool of herself, etc.

Xie Qingrong stared at the eyes of the crowd, but to her, all of these were things she did not care at all. Just as she was about to say that she did not know, Gongsun Heng opened his mouth and said: "Since that's the case, why don't Miss Xie come up and dance with us, what about it?"

Since Gongsun Heng had already spoken, it was already too late for Xie Qingrong to reject. Moreover, they would not give him the right to refuse.

Seeing Heavenly Sage Emperor nod his head, she could only helplessly stand up and tidy up his skirt.

After getting up, Xuanyuan Chen shook her hand to show his encouragement.

When Xie Qingrong slowly walked onto the stage and met eyes with Zhangsun Wenyan, the two of them saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Xie Qingrong nodded towards Zhangsun Wenyan.

A beautiful and melodious zither melody flowed out like a mountain and river, pouring out in torrents.

The zither music meandered out like a spring breeze blowing across the green mountains and rivers. Birds chirped in waves, as if placed between the mountains and rivers. The sound of the zither strings being strummed was as clear and gentle as a large pearl or small pearl falling into a jade plate.

Xie Qingrong took the violet-gold whip from her waist and positioned it properly. The whip nimbly danced around Xie Qingrong's body, responding to the zither music.

Suddenly, the sound of a flute zigzagged in, bringing with it an army of thousands of men and horses that were trying to destroy the enemy. Zhangsun Wenyan's expression changed slightly, but no one present noticed that the sound of the zither had changed along with Xiao Ming's addition.

Xuanyuan Chen looked at Gongsun Heng.

He had his eyes closed, and a jade white, transparent long hair was hanging from his lips. The sound of a flute was coming from his direction.

A wave of killing intent instantly spread above the great hall and Xie Qingrong's whip rotated even faster. Her body continuously rotated at a rapid pace and her purple dress followed suit, just like an umbrella that was being opened, and also like a purple butterfly that was flapping its wings.

The atmosphere was getting increasingly tense. It was as if the people on the field could feel a magnificent army charging in their direction with killing intent enveloping them. Everyone was drenched in cold sweat.

Xuanyuan Chen frowned, and looked towards the center of the hall, not knowing what she would do. However, if it's her, he should be able to resolve this matter.

"Indeed, Xie Qingrong did not disappoint him. "Pa ~ ~ ~" An ear-piercing sound of a whip sounded, cutting off Ran Ran's killing intent. After the killing intent dissipated, everyone gasped for breath.

Gongsun Heng, who was blowing on Yu Xiao with his eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as Xiao Yun finished speaking, the zither music also stopped. 's lips turned white, and his face drained of blood as he stopped using his slender jade hands to caress the zither. There were white marks on his fingers where he had used too much force to touch the zither.

Xie Qingrong swung the whip, completing the final rotation, and then perfectly retracted the whip.

Everyone was stunned, as if they were still immersed in the performance just now.

It was clearly only the sound of the zither and dancing, but why did he suddenly add in a mournful sound? The main issue was that the mournful sound was still overflowing with killing intent. It was almost like an ambush from all sides.

But the one who played the flute was Gongsun Heng, Crown Prince of Chu! Who dared to stop him!

Are you sure you don't want to die!?

When everyone was in fear, they even forgot to praise, but Xie Qingrong did not care about the falseness of the situation.

Suddenly, a burst of applause sounded from behind them. Only then did everyone react and began to applaud.

The person that clapped was dressed in white. He had a graceful, refined, and extraordinarily handsome appearance as he slowly walked over. Beside him followed a little girl of about ten, wearing two cute bun.

The little girl's face was pretty and delicate. She seemed to be a bit nervous, and her hands were tightly holding onto the man in white's sleeves.

However, Xie Qingrong could not see any hint of nervousness in the little girl's eyes.

The white robed man bowed towards Heavenly Sage Emperor, his voice gentle like jade.

"Yue Country Qi Yun pays her respect to Your Majesty."

The Heavenly Sage Emperor said with a smile: "So you are the Regent of the Yue Country. Those who have come are guests, there is no need to be so courteous. Come, sit. "

"This King arrived late. Thankfully, This King did not miss such a brilliant performance. There is a plethora of talented people in the Heavenly Sage Kingdom, This King admires them. " After saying that, he pulled Jing to the seat he had just prepared. The moment the little girl sat down, she started to eat her snacks heartily. The Regent didn't stop her, but instead had a doting expression on his face.

Xie Qingrong took in the two's actions without batting an eyelid.

The Heavenly Sage Emperor laughed heartily as he praised Crown Prince of Chu Gongsun Heng, "We are very fortunate to have heard such a beautiful cry. His Highness the Crown Prince is truly talented."

"Your Majesty, you are flattering me. I was just watching Miss Zhangsun and Miss Xie's performance and my teamwork was so perfect that it was flawless. He felt his heart itch and could not help but sigh. You two are truly talented people. "

Gongsun Heng waved his hand, and said indifferently. He was extremely humble, but his tone didn't contain the slightest bit of modesty.

Heavenly Sage Emperor was even happier after hearing this, planning to give Xie Qingrong and Zhangsun Wenyan a reward. He asked: "May I know what rewards the two misses have for me, please do not hesitate to ask."

Seeing Xie Qingrong showing off, Ye Ningyu could not help but feel even more jealous. It was obvious that this Xie Qingrong knew nothing, and her personality was extremely cowardly. And now she was showing off and even getting a reward from the emperor.