Fall off a cliff

Chapter 45 - Falling Cliffs

Suddenly, the stone platform fell.

Xuanyuan Chen and Xie Qingrong instantly felt a huge pulling force, and the two people quickly plummeted downwards.

Xuanyuan Chen hugged Xie Qingrong tightly, protecting her in his embrace.

With a "sou" sound, a small and exquisite claw held the cliff. A silver thread made from Sky Worm Silk was tied to the bottom of the claw.

Xie Qingrong pulled the Sky Worm Silk on her arm and slowly fell off the cliff.

It was only then that Xuanyuan Chen noticed that Xie Qingrong's sleeve arrow seemed to be an incredible treasure.

Previously when A Rong gave the blueprint to him, she was only amazed at the ingenuity of this weapon on the blueprint. But now, she saw A Rong using it.

He could clearly feel that this weapon was extremely useful and powerful.

The materials used were all the best.

Even in the whole of Heavenly Sage Kingdom, there were only five brocades made of Sky Worm Silk, and they were all used to make soft armor.

"This thing of yours isn't bad."

Hearing Xuanyuan Chen's praise, Xie Qingrong touched the sleeve arrow on her hand, a tinge of pride on her face.

In her previous life, she had spent a lot of time and effort to design and modify this thing. Not only were there short blades, ropes, claws, needles, and medicine.

It was hard to imagine that such a small and exquisite sleeve arrow could actually design so many things that others would not expect.

"This is my life saving weapon, do you like it? If you like, you can make another one. "

"No need." Xuanyuan Chen shook his head.

Before long, the two of them had arrived at base of cliff. The black clad assassin from before had already fallen to his death at the foot of the cliff, and his appearance was completely unrecognizable.

The base of cliff was filled with weeds, which stretched as far as the eye could see.

However, Xie Qingrong's sense of danger was unexpectedly sharp, as if there was some unspeakable secret within the weeds.

The wind was blowing from afar, but it couldn't blow away the sense of danger in Xie Qingrong's heart, furthermore, this smell, seemed to be a little strange.

It was as if she had smelled it somewhere before and was about to try to figure it out.

"Gu gu..." The sound of a frog could be heard.

Xie Qingrong's face hooked up into an extremely cold smile. His eyes were deep and serene, the depths of his eyes releasing an unknown light.

There was actually a bunch of messy bugs sneaking in. More and more interesting.

"Wait for me here. I'll be right back."

Xuanyuan Chen pulled Xie Qingrong's wrist, facing Xie Qingrong's doubtful gaze, he smiled slightly, but did not say anything, and only touched Xie Qingrong's black hair.

He opened his palm, and in the center of his palm was a stalk of withered grass.

It turned out that the two of them accidentally stuck to each other when they jumped down. Xuanyuan Chen saw it and helped her take it off.

He warned, "Be careful."

Xie Qingrong smiled and left.

Xuanyuan Chen looked at Xie Qingrong's disappearing figure, and knew that he would never be able to see him again. Only then did he cut off the surrounding weeds, lay them down, sat on the ground and began to meditate.

"Gulp, gulp ~ ~ ~" The grass emitted the sound of a frog.

A man dressed in emerald green lay in the grass, almost blending in with the emerald grass.

He was still "cooing".

The next moment, his throat was cut.

The killing intent in Xie Qingrong's eyes disappeared with the man's death, and she held a bloody dagger in her hand, looking at Xie Qingrong with disdain.

To hide so clumsily and to be able to see through their disguise at a glance, these assassins were indeed way too young.

"When you make a sound, remember not to pant too much." With that said, Xie Qingrong turned and headed to the hiding spot of the next assassin.

One, two, three...

Xie Qingrong decisively killed six assassins, but the assassins did not realise that they were being watched.

The sound of the frogs in the grass gradually died down. The assassins that were hiding in one of the more remote corners of the grass began to "cackle", but no one replied him.

How could this be!

Where did those people go?

Why didn't anyone respond to him!

Suddenly, he felt a wave of fear in his heart. It was as if something terrifying had arrived, causing his hair to stand on end.

The next moment, his life was taken.

His eyes were wide open, filled with deep fear and reverence.

Xie Qingrong was like a reaper harvesting life. As soon as she raised her blade, a life silently withered away.

In terms of concealing her presence, she was the king.

After Xuanyuan Chen finished meditating, he opened his eyes and saw Xie Qingrong standing with her back facing him.

"I'm back."

Xie Qingrong turned around and sat beside Xuanyuan Chen. With an indifferent tone, she said, "Yes, I took care of a few bugs."

As if he had thought of something, Xie Qingrong licked her lips and wanted to say something, but in the end, she gave up.

Xuanyuan Chen laughed lightly: "What does A Rong want to say?"

What Xie Qingrong had thought of was, when she had fallen into a cliff, what was that gaze of Xuanyuan Chen, the last one who had suppressed his despair and sadness.

She knew very well that the relationship between her and Xuanyuan Chen had not reached that extent yet, so she could only assume that something had happened to Xuanyuan Chen.

was afraid that she already knew what she wanted to ask, but she was still a little hesitant, not knowing whether she should speak or not.

However, before Xie Qingrong could speak, Xuanyuan Chen had already answered: "A Rong must be asking me what I thought when I was at the edge of the cliff right?" Seeing Xie Qingrong nod her head hesitantly, Xuanyuan Chen laughed: "Actually it's nothing, I just suddenly thought of my royal brother."

Indeed, it was exactly as she had guessed. Previously, when Shen Haoxuan mentioned the crown prince in the Gourmet, the expression on his face was clearly strange.

Right now, Xuanyuan Chen was able to tell him that the crown prince had probably treated him as one of his own.

At this moment, a hole finally opened up in Xie Qingrong's heart, and she was able to fit inside.


At the end of the eleventh year of the Heaven realm, one man was born in the cold years. Emperor Xi, Crown Prince Feng Rui, meaning Cong Rui. The word pine and cypress, taken from "cold years, and then know cypress after also." Ji is an ambitious person, such as cypress, unyielding.

Rui was young and wise, six years old and studying under Xu, and ten years old. Observing its virtue and grandeur, graceful and graceful, like the moon reflected the dark night, the country of the wind pine forest also.

However, Rui Niang was twenty-two years old. He fell off a cliff and died.

Xuanyuan Chen smiled lightly, with a calm and gentle tone, he told Xie Qingrong about his royal brother.

However, Xie Qingrong could tell from Xuanyuan Chen's tightly clenched fists that he was actually far from being as calm as he looked on the outside. Xie Qingrong pried Xuanyuan Chen's fist apart, there were streaks of red on his palm, a trace of heartache flashed past his eyes.

"So, it was also in this place that my royal brother fell to his death?"

Xuanyuan Chen nodded his head, the pain in his eyes was clear, his voice was choked with sobs, "By the time we found brother Huang, brother Huang had already changed."