
Chapter 117 - Bath

The weather was clear and refreshing. Clouds were drifting slowly in the sky. A light wind blew past, blowing away all the irritation in one's heart.

At the entrance of the capital, Xuanyuan Chen was holding onto a Ferghana Horse that was galloping a thousand miles a day.

Xuanyuan Jing was leading a white stallion, a rare Ferghana Horse.

Xie Qingrong sat in the private room on the second floor of Gourmet. It was the same seat she had sat in the last time she had welcomed the Crown Prince of Chu.

This position allowed him to have a panoramic view of all the people at the city's gate.

Xie Qingrong's exquisite white fingers were holding a white porcelain wine cup that was unique to Gourmet. In the cup, there was not wine, but fruit wine, a light blue like lake water.