Stupid man

Chapter 120 - Fool

The first county level area, Ping Cheng, that Xuanyuan Jing and Xuanyuan Chen had reached.

Xuanyuan Chen was at the entrance of the Pingcheng County Magistrate's Hall, holding a red hammer, he knocked on the door with a loud and clear drum sound.

Pingcheng County Order was still in dreamland when he was suddenly awoken by the thunderous drumbeat. The anger in his heart burned faster and faster as he ordered the yamen runners to capture the person who caused this injustice and give him a good beating.

However, he had ordered five or six times, but still hadn't seen any sign of a bailiff.

Pingcheng County Order was already very angry from being disturbed. Now that no one replied to his order, he became even more furious and got up from the bed. He ran towards the county's yamen's lobby before he was even dressed properly.