Mysterious veil

Chapter 157 - Mystery Mask

"Mayor Min is getting serious." Xuanyuan Chen said, "If what Mayor Min says is true, then for Mayor Min to be able to become the City Lord, Shang Huaiyue must have contributed greatly."

"Of course." Min Wentian laughed loudly, his eyes filled with nostalgia for Shang Huaiyue: "Back then City Lord Min was actually Huai Yue, I am just a lucky city lord."

"As expected of Shang Huaiyue, who was renowned throughout the world back then. She single-handedly established an indestructible Min City, and later on generously made the City Master's position come to others." Shen Haoxuan praised him very sincerely, and between his brows, there was a dense wave of praise.

"Do you know why Mother gave you the City Lord position?" Xie Qingrong asked suspiciously.

She did not believe that her mother would give away the fruits of her hard work so easily.